This blog was prompted by Nancy Cole's blog on posting frequency...
It's also a "status" report and feedback request - for the dozen or so readers of "A New Style of Education: Hidden Gifts".
When I started writing Hidden Gifts, I wrote & finished it, and actually had no intention to post it anywhere (it wasn't authorized). I wrote the first four segments as a "gift" to one of the two people here that convinced me to start writing and to thank her for her encouragement (The other had best beware, as she might be similarly "honored" - If I can find the time...). She insisted that the story be posted, and also become part of the "universe" (rather than be considered fan-fic). Back then, I had a LOT of time to write, and was able to maintain a reasonable posting schedule. They quickly took longer to post, as I had to add another British editor (apparently my British speakers of English sounded too American)... But, I was still able to maintain a decent rate. The basic story is mapped - to the point where I plan to finish it...
Then, October '09 happened. I came out to my Wife... The subsequent months have been "busy" puts it mildly. :-) But, in a good way. However, I've had far less time to write. It takes some time to get back into the story. Like was pointed out in a response to Nancy's blog, A reader may need to back up several segments to figure out where things are going - I, as the author need to do some of that too (the devil is in the details - you don't need me repeating scenes). Then, I need to review my notes on what's next, then I can write. Every now and again, I'll get an "idea" for a scene in the future, and write it up - which eventually will speed those segments. I also, sometimes, begin to wonder about how things work at the school, and Write something to help me work through those issues. (A few of those have seen the light of day as "interludes". There are a few more, but they all need more work - to get them posting ready. I've not put time there as it seemed that most readers didn't seem to care for them. (Tell me if I'm wrong - but one reader went so far as to say they were a waste of time.)
Writing in a "Shared Universe" is also difficult, as it's important to avoid inconsistencies between stories, and they typically need to be "approved" by the Universe owner. This slows things down (for me, anyway).
I guess, for the dozen or so readers that got this far, my question to you is:
1) Should I just hold off on posting the rest of the story until it's ALL finished, and a reasonable posting schedule can ba achieved? (No telling when this will be...)
2) Should I just keep writing/posting as I'm able - irrespective of how long it takes?
3) Should I "adjust" the story so that it ends sooner - and thus is posted sooner?
4) Should I just "Finish" the story in a segment or two?
5) Should I "shorten" the size of my segments, so they can be posted more often? (My segments average about 6k words. Cutting that to 3,000 would likely double the number of posts in a year, and perhaps triple them, as they're easier to block out the time to work on.)
For #3 & 4, I do have alternate thoughts that would allow me to "finish" the story to a logical stopping point. (School Calendar wise, they would end after the return from the first international trip for #3 and by September for #4. Both are logical stopping points, and I can work to either. - I could also "end" the story at one of those points, and then write a sequel that continues to a later point - but post none of that until a reasonable posting schedule can be achieved.)
Thoughts, comments or suggestions are welcome and requested. (No response - and I'll assume that the preference is that the story be abandoned - and even here, I'll write something that "ends" the story. (I also don't like it when stories are abandoned.)
Keep it up
I have enjoyed your story so-far, so please continue it any way you can. I hate to wait, but look forwrd to every posting.
Hidden Gifts Continue
I too have enjyed Hidden Gifts.
You should be writing FOR YOU, the rest is gravy
Don't let feedback get you down. I have a story with 31K read and about 8 comments but I HAVE 31K reads. Write for your enjoyment.
1) Should I just hold off on posting the rest of the story until it's ALL finished, and a reasonable posting schedule can ba achieved? (No telling when this will be...)
RL will always intrude
2) Should I just keep writing/posting as I'm able - irrespective of how long it takes?
All journeys begin with one step keep walking
3) Should I "adjust" the story so that it ends sooner - and thus is posted sooner?
Not desirable for the reader but if YOU must, do so.
4) Should I just "Finish" the story in a segment or two?
Same as #3
5) Should I "shorten" the size of my segments, so they can be posted more often? (My segments average about 6k words. Cutting that to 3,000 would likely double the number of posts in a year, and perhaps triple them, as they're easier to block out the time to work on.)
Block out each chapter in 2-3 writing sessions. Hold a chapter in reserve for long dry periods
Please don't stop
Anne as a HUGE fan of the SPA universe I have to say please continue your two stories (Hidden Gifts & interludes).
Hidden Gifts because it ties in with the main story, and Interludes because it helps to flesh out the background characters and makes them more 3D so to speak.
If you do continue and need another Brit to give it a look over drop me a PM and I'll happy look it over for you, And (yes I know bad grammar starting a sentence with 'And') as I don't work I can turn a chapter around reaaaally quickly :D
Cheers n Huggs
Please don't stop.
I wish to add my voice to the growing chorus of, “Please don’t stopâ€, but only if it pleases you. I have thoroughly enjoyed this story, and have read it several times to keep the principal characters fresh in my mind. So, if it feels right to you, continue this story and post when you can.
Hidden Gifts
This is hard choice for you. I understand that coming out to the family was a hard thing, but for you things have gone well and in someways has brought you closer together. If you don't have time to write, that is very understandable - As I've said before, family comes first.
Post as able
That's my vote. I'm a big fan of that approach, because it takes some of the stress off of the author. Admittedly, I try to post something every week, so I'm not entirely following that philosophy myself, but then I've also got several ongoing stories. And enough time to write that it's not a big strain on me (usually). But less stress usually results in more talkative muses, in my experience.
While I may get a bit antsy when a story I like doesn't update for a while, I'll still always come back for more if it's good and Hidden Gifts is.
In the end, you need to do whatever works best for you. I suspect it's #2, but that's for you to decide. Either way I'll look forward to more of Hidden Gifts!
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America
Please Continue
It is most important that what you do works for you. I would hate to see the story shortened and lose much of the content. We see one chapter from Karen Lea (Educating Danielle) every year or so and we still want more. So post when you can and we'll be happy.
1) Should I just hold off on posting the rest of the story until it's ALL finished, and a reasonable posting schedule can ba achieved? (No telling when this will be...)NOT MY FIRST CHOICE
2) Should I just keep writing/posting as I'm able - irrespective of how long it takes? BEST
3) Should I "adjust" the story so that it ends sooner - and thus is posted sooner? NO
4) Should I just "Finish" the story in a segment or two? PLEASE DON"T
5) Should I "shorten" the size of my segments, so they can be posted more often? (My segments average about 6k words. Cutting that to 3,000 would likely double the number of posts in a year, and perhaps triple them, as they're easier to block out the time to work on.) IF IT IS EASIER FOR YOU - GO FOR IT.
You asked the questions, the real answer is what is best for you. You have given us a wonderful story so far and I look forward to more of it in the future.
As always,
As always,
Whichever is easiest for you...
... that's what you should do. Whenever Hidden Gifts reappears, I am always happy to see another episode and read it.
I'd love to see it continue on a pace that makes you comfortable. If that means 6 months between postings, I'll enjoy the segments every 6 months then. :)
To thyne own self be true. - W. Jitteryjavelin
Hi Annette,
Write YOUR story YOUR way.
with love,
with love,
Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.
Your Choice
All that is your choice. I know I've been waiting to see the next part in Hidden Gifts or even the next part for the interlude between Hidden Gifts and Karen's story. I understand there tends to be a lot that is going on and I can respect that. I just wish that this whole Universe updated a lot faster then what it does. Me and a friend of mine have offer many times to try and help so it would feel like we were apart of it some how. But in a lot of ways it just seems like we get ignored about it. So I do hope you start posting it again soon but we understand that there is a lot going on and we don't want to presser you into anything.
Yours Truly
I prefer #5, but...
As long as there is more to the story, I can wait, and I will. This is far too good to ruin by pushing it. Do as you feel best. My editor (Angela Rasch) has me finishing my serial before I begin to post it (although I've already posted Chapter 1). I hope to finish it this month.
Please Continue Hiden Gifts.
I love all of the S.P.A. series of stories. I have read, and re-read all of them so far, and would love to have them continue. You, Penny, Karen, have all done such wonderful work on these matching series, they are something that I can relate too and wish for more each and every month since I discovered the series with the story 'Raised in S.L.C.' starting the wonder of what will happen and when will the next post take place. It has been over 7 years since I first read the story that started this series, when you joined with Penny Cardon, and Karen Page I got addicted to reading each posting, and starting over again, I have a great appreciation and love of all the stories, characters, story plots, and intrigue they contain.
I beg of all of you to keep posting new chapters as I love reading and re-reading these stories. They give me hope and make me feel like I am there with the characters in the stories.
With Gratitude, Hope, and appreciation.
I'll add my voice
I want to be sure the authors in this universe (all of you) hear this loud and clear: Please keep writing and posting as you are able. If blocking out 3k word chapters sections works better for you, by all means do that. If you can write more do that. In other words do what works. Do take time for yourselves so that you can find the inspiration to write.