Annette MacGregor
When I posted the last blog, I wasn't planning on repeating. But, an event this morning caused me to think, and I wanted to post somewhere. So, you got "elected".
This morning, one of those events that can just "get to you" happened...
I happened to notice a little jewelry bag on my bedside table yesterday. This morning, I was handing it to my wife saying "Looks like left her jewelry bag on my side of the bed this week." (The daughter in question - 13 years - has been known to do this... And, they do end up back with my wife's jewelry eventually, so it was a reasonable assumption on my part.)
Imagine my surprise, when my wife told me to look inside, that it was mine - not my daughters! It was a little bit to hang on the gold box chain necklace they got me a few months ago. I was overcome with thanks. (Yes, it was from my wife AND both daughters!) Okay - so they didn't spend much on it - just shipping - as it was a "freebie" they got when spending the gift certificate I gave my wife (with a necklace) for our anniversary), but the idea that they got ME something pretty (Pendant) was wonderful (& I'm wearing it now!)...
I feel blessed that my family is so supportive! Okay, they'd rather it wasn't happening, but, they all seem to recognize the need. The question is just a matter of timing.
This time next month, the four of us will be visiting Mickey Mouse (in Florida), and I get to be me for most of the trip!!! Wish me luck!
For those of you that got this far, thank you for your indulgence.
please remove
Love, Andrea Lena
What a lovely surprise. Simply wonderful!
She was born for all the wrong reasons but grew up for all the right ones.
Con grande amore e di affetto, Andrea Lena
Love, Andrea Lena
Sure, it's 'free', but that's a gorgeous (and valuable!) pendant, and the thought is so beautiful. Honestly made me tear up. :-D
Good luck on the trip next month, and have fun!
What a delightful surprise
Your family are certainly trying to be supportive, good for them.
What a great wife and wonderful children you have. I hope you have fun wearing it with pride.
Thank you all
I've only taken it off to wash/sleep so far. LOL.
Thanks for your kind wishes.
I got to say
I got to say that you are one lucky person for that to happen. I feel as if I am stuck I would love for magic to be real so I could get what I would like done but at last there is no such thing and if I were to get lucky enough I don't think I will ever fine the right people in my life like you have. Best of wishes to you.
Yours Truly