Mia chapter 5 had been finished. It was one of those chapters that takes forever to finish because it's akward and just a chore.
Well, it's not done anymore.
For some reason, I gave it to my editor, she couldn't open it. I tried to open my copy, and the whole thing is corrupted. I can't extract ANY information from it. So I not only lost the new chapter, but all the old ones too.
I *think* I have a copy of the old stuff on another drive (from before I swapped over to Linux), but even if I don't, I have the chapters I posted here.
So sorry, but it's going to be a bit longer again.
< mumble grumble stupid machine... >
Does your editor have a copy of the most recent copy before this revision? And have you thought of using something like GoogleDocs or ZoHo writer to save/transfer document edits from person to person? That way you always have an online backup also.
Heh. My editor is my wife,
Heh. My editor is my wife, she sits next to me. I transferred it over to her PC through the LAN here, and she couldn't open it. When she couldn't, I tried and that is when I found it was corrupted.
I found an older copy that has all up to Chapter 4, but I lost Chapter 5 except for a couple paragraphs.
Ces la vie!
May the Stars Light Your Path
Maid Joy
Any way to send me a copy of
Any way to send me a copy of the corrupted file?
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.