Well folks, I'm just here to tell you that in just over a week, Penny and I will be packed into my little Peugeot and cruising down the boulevards of La Belle France - hopefully with the roof down - on our househunting camping trip.
We're really excited as we are going to be seeing about ten houses, three of which we are very keen on. The rest would be nice, but may need too much work to be within our grasp. The three we do like are actually habitable, one of which is more than habitable, it's perfect.
Oh well, we'll have to wait and see, won't we?
As far as the Cliffside Heroine is concerned, I'm absolutely knocked out by the way you have taken Jamie to your hearts and am working hard to get another chapter ready for before I go. If I don't, please don't hate me, I'm sure it won't take long after I come back to post and after all, I'm only going to be gone a week.
Anyway, I guess I'd better get on and try and finish Chapter six, because I know that Angharad will boil me alive if I don't.
Thanks for your support peeps,
Nick B
I don't just look it, despite this dress, I'm totally looking forward to camping and househunting in France
You're about to go househunting in France just as the Euro becomes unstable? Are you sure this is a wise move just at the moment?
Since when has currency ever been stable?
Actually, from what I've seen, the Pound against the Euro is doing quite well.
I don't just look it, I'm totally disinterested in money - unless I had lots of it, which I don't and anyway...
Vive l'Angleterre
Alors, je ne sais pas s'il est un bon idea. J'aime la France, j'ai traveille l'autre cote de la Manche, mais vivez en France? Peut-etre non.
Mostly Harmless
Mostly harmless my rudimentary French! :)
I was a C student and only learned it for a couple of years before dropping it altogether, but:
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Living in France
I didn't pursue French in school either, but I do remember a smattering. Let's hope Pen does the majority of the talking :)
Having said that, if we do buy and if we do move across La Manche, I would hope that I learn quickly. After all, there would be plenty of incentive, otherwise I'd have to stop talking altogether and honestly, I can't see that happening.
We're not buying to invest either. We're buying because a) we love France and b) we are unlikely to be able to afford to buy a house on this side now, unless we won the lottery. Somehow, I can't see the fates being that kind to us.
With no mortgage, lower costs in taxes for houses, it would mean we would have far less going out than over here and therefore would need to earn much less for a comfortable standard of living.
I know it all sounds very idyllic, but we're still only in the feasibility study stage of an idea that sounds good, but may not work in practice. Hopefully, this or successive trips will either tell us that it's a go, or put us off altogether.
I too love England. I'm comfortable with knowing the rules, I can communicate with ease (most of the time; Post Office staff notwithstanding) and a move to France would mean turning everything we both know on its head.
All the difficulties and other issues taken into account, they all seem rather small compared to the rewards and we would hate to have the opportunity and not pursue it, only to get several years down the line, be no further forward in this country and regret not having taken the plunge while we had the chance.
It's not something that's for everybody, I know, but we're intrepid that way :)
I don't just look it, I'm totally into this working out
If you don't try ....
... you'll never know. And you can spend the rest of your life wondering 'What if?...' interspersed with 'If only'.
Go for it Nick. At least you will pick up another language which is an enriching thing in itself.
So true
Not only that, but there's a whole nother culture out there just waiting to be explored...
I don't just look it, I'm totally into this
Okay, it was a silly thing to post but here's the official translation:
Well, I don't know if it's a good idea. I love France, I've worked on the other side of The English Channel, but live in France? Perhaps not.
Mostly Harmless
I knew it!
My French was indeed rusty! :)
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!