Honestly, I sometimes wonder at people's intelligence, homosexuality is caused by demonic possession - duh? So how would they explain transsexualism? In this day and age, to judge persons on their sexual orientation is so ridiculous it's pathetic. The evidence is stacking up that most of these things are organic or genetic in origin, so why can't they get the message? Oh I forgot, most of them think the world was created in six days...
Good News
The percentage of the population that is gay is much smaller than the percentage of votes apparently lost by those Tories with their homophobic views. What does this mean? I think it could indicate that the general population is getting less tolerant of bigots and homophobes, and that would be good news indeed.
The loud and annoying bigots are just as loud and annoying as ever, of course, but that larger swath of society that quietly sympathized with them a couple decades ago is shrinking. At least, that's what the voting results would seem to suggest.
Lesbian in denial?
Well since my Gaydar is working today, one look at her picture makes it obvious that she is a repressed Lesbian and fighting very hard to keep it buried, which is exactly what I did for a long time. :)
Much Peace
It was a close run thing.
Well, closer than the 2005 election results implied. Sadly, I voted with my heart rather than my head and we now have a Tory MP by a narrow margin :( Not entirely my fault, of course :)
It really is incredible what some people will believe on zero evidence - even in the face of evidence, come to that. There would seem to be no reason why demonic possession shouldn't be responsible for anything you choose, so why not transexualism ... or a liking for bicycles (or even 'Bike' :))
The "head" of the committee
that is working on the DSM-V that deals with transgender issues, is one that advocates "curing" TG so that their inward feeling and outward sex match rather then the obverse... Wonderful, huh.
I'll take a bullet instead.
Having been through a lot of that, these so called "curers", are akin to the worst form of Geshtapo in my opinion. Those fukin idiots started out on me and it was almost as bad as the abuse that my step father laid on me; calling me a liar, and "not yeilded to God' and a whole bunch of .....
Philippa Stroud
The original Observer article was based on the very real experience of a transwoman, whose story, as it was originally submitted was:
The original article is here: http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2010/may/02/conservatives...
- Jayne xx
Heaven lies within our hearts and hell is but a figment of your mind...
My blog => http://jaynemorose.wordpress.com/ <= note new address
That which does not kill me only serves to delay the inevitable. My blog => http://jaynemorose.wordpress.com/ <= note new address
She's got a bad case of Megalomania
She's the bloody looney.
Have You Ever Thought About How Personal Faith Is?
It is within the realm of reason to believe that the earth was created in six days, when you believe as I do that the definition of day is quite open. Your snarky remarks about religion are pissing me off. Cut it out. This board isn't supposed to be about religion or politics.
People who believe in God aren't inherently stupid, just as those who can't see a world that embraces both both science and faith aren't blind -- just self-limiting.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Not sniping about religion
I was just reporting the facts surrounding the original post as stated. The post was about the horrendous treatment of a transwoman and gays by a zealot who wanted to and failed to become elected. It was the most discussed topic on Twitter at one point and there were somewhere in the region of 25,000 links to the original article on Facebook, yet the mainstream media were coerced into not covering it once the Observer article broke. This is not about religion, it is about abuse of position and bigotry. People can believe in what they want for me, so long as they do not harm others by their beliefs and this was not the case here.
- Jayne xx
Heaven lies within our hearts and hell is but a figment of your mind.
My blog => http://jaynemorose.wordpress.com/ <= note new address
That which does not kill me only serves to delay the inevitable. My blog => http://jaynemorose.wordpress.com/ <= note new address
Someone Once Pointed Out Something
Someone once pointed out something that made me think about what God's definition of a day really is. When it talks about the Earth being created in 6 days, the definition of the length of a day is never defined. A day could be 1000 years long or a million years long. A day's length as we define it, was determined by humans. Days are much longer on other planets too. Here in the U.S, Alaska has full daylight around the clock for months at a time and even a short period of darkness followed by more daylight and then there are months of total darkness around the clock too. As you can see, our definitions of a day vary widely depending on where you live in the world.
So what?
But who cares? I hate the idea of religion simply because it has a lot of bigotry attached to it. It by no means holds a monopoly on bigotry and hatred but it sure does supply a lot of it to those who crave it. Evil people will exist with or without religion, however religion is one of a few things that will make good people do evil things. Hence my dislike.
Perhaps I, or people like me, choose to show disdain for religion and religious attitudes. Atheists and anti-theists shouldn't have to censor their views on the off chance they make a small joke that might not even occur to them as being offensive. Otherwise theists shouldn't be allowed to ask other to pray for them or their loved ones. Or tell strangers that "God loves you". These are all things that *may* offend others, including atheists and anti-theists.
It doesn't make you dumb for believing in God and it doesn't make you dumb for believing, in your own way, how God exists and the ways in which He does something. It does make you dumb, however, if you ignore science in favour of a several thousand year old book that was written by people who heard about what happened from people that may have experienced an event and that book was subsequently translated and retranslated with meanings that changed along with interpretations to suit the feelings and beliefs of the people who held the power of the day.
Maybe the Earth was created in six days, maybe six days is the equivalent of several hundred million Earth years. Those who ignore science and think the earth is only 6000 Earth years old instead of 4.5 billion? Well, let's just say I don't think I'd be electing them in to any sort of position of power.
Furthermore, to imply we're "self-limiting" through our lack of faith sounds just as rude as to imply that theists are "dumb" because of their faith. Don't tell someone their ways are wrong and then do the exact the same thing.
I Agree With Your Ideas About The Bible
I believe that the Bible in it's many translations is tainted by the ideas of people on Earth who used it as a means of power and control. Whatever Christian or Jewish faction was in power, used it as a tool to manipulate the minds of people. That being said, I do have my own personal belief in God because I believe that Science in itself, can't explain all the intricate little details in nature. It would be like throwing a set of dice in the air. You know that each toss is not always going to come down the same way. There is a precise order to things that just can't happen by accident. Each organ in the body performs a precise task and is designed perfectly for that task to sustain life. I believe that bigotry is definitely something that resides in the minds of men and it is not something that the God I believe in is about at all. In fact, I believe we are here to love one another as a human race,but mankind is filled with greed and lust for power and some don't believe in equality for all. That is sad! I believe the verses on love and compassion are the real ideas of God and Jesus, but all the archaic rules and laws were what were made up by man to further their own selfish ends. I don't think God should be painted with the same brush as the bigots who claim to be doing what he/she taught. That is why I learned to separate them from what I believe.
"Each organ in the body performs a precise task and is designed perfectly for that task to sustain life."
Almost. Can you explain why I was given the wrong set of organs, then? Like a lot of those who visit this site?
Gender-specific mismatches aside, quite a lot of my body doesn't function perfectly. Some of it never did. I don't choose to assume that I have an imperfect body because I was punished by a supreme being for doing something wrong.
I just acknowledge that my body falls within the general variation of the human population, as predicted by evolutionary theory.
never had one of them, but we did have a piano.
Celynn, You're Right
You are absolutely right. However, you give Angharad much too much credit. I wouldn't have said anything about that comment except this isn't the first time Angharad has crossed the line on this issue. Do it once and it's an oversight. Make a habit of it and it is bound to draw fire. Erin is quite quick to cut off religious and political discussions -- and rightly so - but for some reason Angharad had gotten a pass in making insulting remarks about those who believe.
If you've read many of my stories you'll find that I'm not a big fan of that "old-fashioned religion" that claims the moral high ground while forgetting all about compassion and love. Read Exitus Acta Probat, Freedomia Rules or Amy's Sanctity to get an idea how I feel.
I believe much of what passes for religion is superstitious nonsense a la the movie Religulous. However -- I think Bill Maher went a bit too far.
I apologize for the implication that atheist are self-limiting. However what I meant is quite different than what you apparently took away from the comment. I meant to say there's plenty of room for those with faith to accept science and also for those who are atheist to understand that science doesn't have all the answers.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
One question
"...this isn't the first time Angharad has crossed the line on this issue."
Who gets to draw the line? Angharad? Erin? You? Because you seem to be saying that Angharad has crossed your own personal line of comfort and you don't like it. I have said the much same thing on other topics and been resoundingly beaten about the head and shoulders for doing so. If we all get to draw our own lines, then BC will quickly devolve into a catfight/flamewar. I suggest we let Erin decide what stays up and what comes down on her website. If you don't like something, tell her, she gets the final say.
Karen J.
"Being a girl is wonderful and to torture someone into that would be like the exact opposite of what it's like. I don’t know how anyone could act that way." College Girl - poetheather
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
I think I see what you meant, Angela.
Fair enough, I would also completely agree that science doesn't have all the answers. After all, the human race is just beginning to understand why things react the way they do and how life forms in the universe.
Taking a second look at the comment "self-limiting", I think I would agree that precluding the possibility of something larger at work, beyond science, would be terribly unscientific. Even Richard Dawkins only believes with a 99.99% certainty that God isn't real. You just can't be a fair and balanced scientist without including all possibilities, even the existence of a god.
I accept your apology. I don't think you meant to offend atheists and anti-theists with your comment and I certainly apologise, as well, if my comment sounded harsh. I actually rewrote it a few times as my earlier drafts were a tad bit more adversarial. Sometimes when I see a topic that I disagree, or take issue, with I just need to argue about it. I'm quite an argumentative person, as anyone who read my comments on Sue Brown's Chosen might have noticed, heh.
Anyway, I hope there are no harsh feelings from this. =)