Man in schoolgirl uniform goes to trial.

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According to this link on MSN, the man had several asbos instructing him desist the practice of wearing school uniform including skirts and bare legs during school hours.

See link:

I wonder how much of a danger or offence he was causing? Probably more sad than bad.



A deeper problem?

I wonder when someone will actually take a deeper, more compassionate look at the man?

Much peace



Shouldn't they really be AASBOs? Anti- Anti-Social Behavior Orders? Otherwise, it sounds like you're ordering someone to be antisocial. Well, okay, it doesn't. I'm just playing. :-)

I've read so many examples of ASBOs and their enforcement that have seemed overly restrictive of individual rights, that I'm coming to the conclusion that the entire judicial concept is flawed. It's seems bizarre that a society can decide to set individual laws for each person, depending on which neighbors are disturbed by what. I prefer a system of uniform laws, and if someone violates them, appropriate prosecution. ASBOs are a shortcut, a judicial proceeding without much recourse or many safeguards, it seems to me.

Laws against hooliganism, public drunkenness, disturbing the peace and harrassment would seemingly cover 99% of what ASBOs are used for. If the laws aren't working, then they need tweaking, not superceding with an entirely different mechanism. What happened to the British tradition of tolerating eccentrics?

Talking of disturbing the peace...

A rather unusual reason for an ASBO - high decibel orgasms! I kid you not...

"Their lovemaking was described as "murder" and "unnatural" and drowned out their neighbours' televisions."

Does anyone else spot a pair of oxymorons in that quote?


There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...

As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!

Individual rights

This makes me really, really glad that there are constitutional protections for freedom of expression where I live. As pointed out by Pippa, an ASBO is definitely not 'equal protection under the law.' In fact, it is a legal way to give specific restrictions to specific people.


What's really ironic is that the British have historically been known known for not only tolerating, but celebrating eccentricity.

<sarcasm>He must not be a member of the gentry. If he was, he could be eccentric rather than merely antisocial.</sarcasm>