I wish to apologize for my previous behavior mew. Concerning keywords, in the past I have ranted that people have misused key words to try to hook certain types of readers, when I didn't think that maybe they DID fit the keywords just not in the way I was thinking. For instance, sweet and sentimental, it's hard to believe any sort of forced story could be sweet and sentimental, but there are ways. For instance, if there's a cute romance between two villains, then that's the romance tag, and could even count as sweet and sentimental. So what if they chopped our hero up and ate his remains together, they did it together as a dinner and then watch a nice movie on the couch making out passionately with the skin of the heroes girlfriends serving as their rug of their home. Isn't that adorable mew? :D
How Much is Enough?
I think writers find themselves dealing with a quandary, which is just how many keywords should be used. Probably most writers here at TS/BC can be divided into one of two camps; 'minimalists' and 'The More the Merrier.' I myself tend to be a minimalists, attaching only enough keywords to give potential readers a fighting chance to have a clue as to what is inside the box of chocolates I am serving up. I expect by doing so, I lose a great deal of hits from people who search using keywords only.
Of course, the opposite can also be true. By offering too many key words, you can easily waste a reader's time drawing them to a story that, in the main, does not interest them.
No one approach is right or wrong. I expect after awhile, people who frequent TS/BC go to writers they have read before and enjoy rather than using the keywords. I know that's how I pick the stories I read, though I will give a new writer the benefit of the doubt once just to see if they should be added to my 'Gotta read' list.
Any who, that's my thoughts on the subject, for what it is worth.
Till next time, stay safe and sane.
Nancy Cole
"You may be what you resolve to be."
T.J. Jackson
I also...
take the minimalist approach. I don't attempt to describe my story with keywords. Nor do I pick all that could possibly apply. I try to pick the ones that OBVIOUSLY apply and leave it at that.
To be honest, I don't tend to use keywords to decide what to read. Perhaps I should.
What NOT to read
I use keywords to decide what not to read; so I don't read magic and I don't read forced fem and I don't read...
The list goes on.
Keywords don't draw me, they send me away!
I know I'm getting a bit old, but this one is new to me. Is this a US English term? Only thing I was aware of was to do with horses, but that doesn't seem to fit.
Karen, Princess Chelsea
Sees herself as a kitten.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine