I was wondering if anyone has heard from SaraUk.
TopShelf TG Fiction in the BigCloset!
I was wondering if anyone has heard from SaraUk.
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SaraUK an update!
I chated with Sara last month on the 16th. She apologized about not getting me more of her story , then proceeded to tell me what was happening to her.
SaraUK (10/16/09 2:15:04 PM): I have a large caverty in the back of it, and they have to keep packing it out with a stuff that looks like glass fibra.
SaraUK (10/16/09 2:15:37 PM): So I've not been able to sit and write.
SaraUK (10/16/09 2:16:44 PM): They only just found out a couple of weeks back that I'm a diabetic as well, and that could be the reason it won't heal up.
SaraUK (10/16/09 2:16:44 PM): They only just found out a couple of weeks back that I'm a diabetic as well, and that could be the reason it won't heal up
ChrisW (10/16/09 2:17:11 PM): hell yeah!
ChrisW (10/16/09 2:17:44 PM): friend of mine lost both feet and one leg below the knee because of it
ChrisW (10/16/09 2:18:00 PM): they check me monthly for it
ChrisW (10/16/09 2:18:07 PM): it runs in my family
SaraUK (10/16/09 2:18:28 PM): They never thought to check me until I ended up down the ER one night
SaraUK (10/16/09 2:19:29 PM): My mum and dad both had it, but they never bothered to ask me that question, and I had no idea that it could add to the trouble on the back of my neck
ChrisW (10/16/09 2:19:59 PM): and you were not check B4 for it?
SaraUK (10/16/09 2:20:13 PM): I had to do a fasting blood test, and gave them a reading of 17.5
SaraUK (10/16/09 2:20:17 PM): nope
ChrisW (10/16/09 2:20:20 PM): U showed no signs B4?
SaraUK (10/16/09 2:20:36 PM): I think some one made a big mistake, but they won't say so
ChrisW (10/16/09 2:21:05 PM): I'd say so! Now they are going to try and cover their butt!
SaraUK (10/16/09 2:21:35 PM): They have me on a high dose of a drug called Metformin
SaraUK (10/16/09 2:22:03 PM): And my neck is still a mess
ChrisW (10/16/09 2:22:29 PM): ouch
ChrisW (10/16/09 2:22:41 PM): hope they caught it in time!
SaraUK (10/16/09 2:23:56 PM): The last blood/sugar test had me at 7.5, which is close to what they want it at, so i hope so
SaraUK (10/16/09 2:24:55 PM): I get the feeling that they want to put me under the knife, bu wouldn't touch me until i was under control with the big :D
ChrisW (10/16/09 2:26:02 PM): typical cutters... they ain't happy unless they are carving on the body!
ChrisW (10/16/09 2:26:15 PM): gruesome ain't it?
SaraUK(10/16/09 2:26:48 PM): Yep
SaraUK (10/16/09 2:27:27 PM): I'm sorry for all the IM's you've been getting about my story
ChrisW (10/16/09 2:27:38 PM): I'm not
ChrisW (10/16/09 2:28:01 PM): it shows that people do care about you!
SaraUK (10/16/09 2:28:05 PM): I want to start and add a little more to it as i feel well enough to do it
ChrisW (10/16/09 2:28:23 PM): awesome
SaraUK (10/16/09 2:28:42 PM): I have around 15 pages done for the next part at the minute
SaraUK (10/16/09 2:29:48 PM): I won't be adding to it as quick as I was, but I should be able to add to it now and then
ChrisW (10/16/09 2:30:32 PM): K
SaraUK (10/16/09 2:30:38 PM): That's if I still have any fans out there to read it lol
SaraUK (10/16/09 2:31:42 PM): I did send a reply to an email you sent me a couple of months back, but I'm not sure you got it.
SaraUK (10/16/09 2:32:07 PM): I did tell you in that about me being ill
ChrisW (10/16/09 2:32:11 PM): you do and U know it too!
ChrisW (10/16/09 2:32:43 PM): noppers I didn't get it!
SaraUK (10/16/09 2:33:15 PM): Don't you just love email
ChrisW (10/16/09 2:33:33 PM): but my spam filter has been acting weird
ChrisW (10/16/09 2:33:57 PM): no I don't like email
ChrisW (10/16/09 2:34:11 PM): I like the paper in my hand!
ChrisW (10/16/09 2:34:24 PM): old fashion I guess
SaraUK (10/16/09 2:35:30 PM): I thought you might have not got it when I saw your message on yim when I logged on
SaraUK (10/16/09 2:35:51 PM): Why is it always the important emails that go missing?
ChrisW (10/16/09 2:36:29 PM): Loki the god of jokes is laughing at us!
SaraUK (10/16/09 2:39:15 PM): I'd like to take thor's hammer and stick it up loki' ass, and see if he finds that funny
ChrisW (10/16/09 2:39:58 PM): Thor would laugh at that!
SaraUK (10/16/09 2:41:33 PM): It's been fun chatting with you again Chris, but I really need to go and rest my neck, as it's not happy with me being sat typing here at the computer
ChrisW (10/16/09 2:41:53 PM): K you go rest!
ChrisW (10/16/09 2:42:06 PM): Its good to hear from you again!
ChrisW (10/16/09 2:42:09 PM): HUGGELS
SaraUK (10/16/09 2:42:15 PM): Hope to chat again soon, and have another part to my story for you to proof and post for me
SaraUK (10/16/09 2:42:34 PM):D bye byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
ChrisW (10/16/09 2:42:41 PM):D TTFN
And that is why we are waiting for Sara!
I'll wait until Hell freezes over until she is able to continue writing.
That is what friends are for!
I miss Sara's stories... is
I miss Sara's stories... is her health any better.