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Well, the clock has now passed midnight and the Valley of the Sun has welcomed the New Year.
It's been a quiet evening for me, watching movies with my 'boyfriend' (Skipper, the 3-year-old Saluki-Chihuahua mix I adopted from a rescue shelter in October), and finishing up proofing of another story from one of our premier authors.
As I look back on 2006, it has been a remarkable year. But then, any year when one achieves one's life's dream is a good one, regardless of the sacrifices required.
For me 2007 will be a challenge as I find my next dream and start going after it.
If you are still pursuing your life's dream, I pray that you may achieve it soon. Don't worry about reaching it too soon. There will be another once you reach the one you have now.
My best wishes to all for 2007
Janet, the evil proofreader
Physics question?
A Saluki-Chihuahua crossbreed? !!!?
For those who don't know, a Saluki is like a tall furry greyhound and a Chihuahua is a tiny breed created when Aztec temple dogs were crossbred with European terriers. The weight difference is a factor of about ten, possibly more.
I can't imagine a Chihuahua female surviving an encounter with a Saluki male -- or any resulting pregnancy -- and the poor Chihuahua male would need a step-ladder to do anything with a Saluki female. :)
Don't explain, it's funnier just to imagine. :)
- Erin
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
My Favorite
My favorite dog is a bull mastiff/pug mix.
When the lines between reality and fantasy blur, true magic can begin.
Seek freedom and become captive of your desires. Seek discipline and find your liberty.
The Coda
Chapterhouse: Dune
Little Gomez
I'm reminded of the hilarious song "Little Gomez" by Scots-Aussie singer-songwriter Eric Bogle:
Little Gomez
Eric Bogle
Oh, I used to have a doggie and I called him little Gomez
Because he was a Mexican Chihuahua
Though there wasn't much to him what there was all cojones
In fact he was a randy little fella
Big dogs, small dogs were all the same to him
The canine equivalent of Errol Flynn
At the drop of a sombrero he'd jump up and get stuck in
Taking Gomez out for walkies was embarassin'
I remember one day in the park his tally rose by four
An enviable score he was amassing,
Two very patient poodles and an Irish Labrador
And a wombat who just happened to be passing
I tried every way to curb his carnal appetite
I kept him on a leash by day, I locked him up at night
I even put some bromide in his chunky meaty bites
But the only thing that might have worked was Kryptonite
Then came the fateful day when he tried to consummate
A liaison with a Saint Bernard from Dublin
And although he was quite clearly fighting well above his weight
He didn't let that minor detail stop him
He nearly pulled it off, oh, what an acrobat!
But the bitch got bored and down she sat
Well, they say that after making love you sometimes feel quite flat
I'm sure that little Gomez would agree with that
I buried Gomez in the park, his happy hunting ground,
A sad but fitting finale
Though I had to make a grave that was very flat and round
'Cause he looked like squashed tamale
But oh, how I missed my wee Chihuahua chum
I went down to the pet shop to find another one
I went there feeling happy, but I left there feeling glum
Because the man behind the counter loved corny puns
And he said "Yes, we have no Chihuahuas, we have no Chihuahuas today
We have Alstations, Dalmatians, fruits of all flirtations,
An alpine Pekinese and a toupee
But yes, we have no Chihuahuas we have no Chihuahuas today"
"Reading rots the mind." - Uncle Analdas
"Reading rots the mind." - Uncle Analdas
I've seen a photo
The dog looks fairly normal, like a mixed-breed terier. seems very loyal to Janet.
Don't count the little guy out.
Oh, who was the author? -- has delusions of grandure.
Happy New Year.
John in Wauwatosa
Remember, don't drink and dial. Drunks on cell phones are not funny.
John in Wauwatosa
Strange pairings - the Shrunch
I remember an article about a farmer who breed a Suffolk Punch mare (a fairly large draft horse breed) and a Shetland Pony and got what he called a Shrunch. He said, "First you need to did a hole for your mare to stand in and then go and catch up your stud." The horse that resulted was basically a draft horse with short legs and a bad disposition. He noted that, "The horse would go out of its way to kick small children but man could it pull."
Totally off-topic (or is it?)
My last year in high school I lived with an older brother and his wife, as my parents had gone back overseas and I wanted to graduate from school here. I was keeping my mother's miniature poodle who was on the large end of the scale, about the height of a pit bull. Female, by the way. My sister-in-law had a Lhasa Apso, a male that I affectionately called Endust as my brother kept threatening to spray him with said product in order to save having to sweep the hardwood floors.
Poor little guy had a serious case of the hots for poodle. Every time she would lie down on the floor here he'd come. You could see the "oh boy ohboy OHBOY!" in his face as he'd try to mount her. She regarded this with some humour (she was a very good-natured dog, as well as being extremely smart), but when he'd get too annoying she used the simple expedient of standing up, which put her well beyond his reach. As he'd stand there looking up at his suddenly unattainable love, you could almost see him say to himself "Well, maybe next time." before he'd slowly walk away.
He taught me a lot, did that little guy. I knew all about unattainable goals, but he showed me that no matter what, you should keep trying. And while he never attained his goal, I eventually attained mine. You can learn a lot from an animal, about love and never giving up on what you really, really want.
Happy New Year to all! May you find your goals more attainable than you thought.
Love & hugs!
Karen J. Taylor
Change is inevitable, except from vending machines
"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin