I've got to take my better half in to hospital tomorrow for an angiogram. This sort of crept up on me...
"I've just been to the doctor. I've been having these chest pains..."
These pains are above the breast line. Not a clue, and neither did the doctor, so she went off last week for a ECG and a treadmill stress test. (Needless to say, she got further with the stress test than I did. My feet are like a duck's, and when they tilted the treadmill to simulate a bigger load, I couldn't run at all. But I digress...)
The result was "inconclusive". So tomorrow she goes off to the Royal Berkshire in Reading, where they will make a hole and push a catheter up her femoral artery all the way to her heart, and squirt "dye" which will show up on a x-ray. Needless to say she won't be moving about for a while after that. I'll have to go up later and fetch her, which will be about the farthest I'll have driven on my own since giving up work.
Parking there will be fun, too. In common with most hospitals in Britain which are in built-up areas, there aren't enough parking spaces. When I've been as a patient myself I've gone on the train and walked the mile or so to the hospital. When I've been there as a courier, I've parked round the back by Stores, usually beside those black vans with no windows labelled "private ambulance". You know the ones... I won't be able to get away with that this time.
So, she'll come home and have to put her feet up for at least two days. I'm sufficiently domesticated (more than her, actually) that everything will get done, but this will mean that I won't be able to get the next part of State up on Thursday. Instead, I'll try and put it up later today if I can find the time. This also means I have no idea when the next part will go up - and before you say "don't worry", it's almost ready but needs some deep editing before it goes out. (There are another seven already written.)
So, I'll look in when I can, but I may be delayed due to domestic requirements.
Penny I Feel For You.
I can guarentee you that we, your Big Closet Family WILL worry! After all, WE ARE FAMILY! Please, take care of her!
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
All my prayers, sweetie!
...hoping everything turns out okay!
She was born for all the wrong reasons but grew up for all the right ones.
Dio benedica la mia bella amici, Andrea
Love, Andrea Lena
Hi level chest pain.
Perhaps I am a bit like a French Poodle or a Chiawawa. I am never conscious of it, and it takes a great deal to rattle me. However, I get pelvis pain, ovarian pain (despite the fact that I sadly have none) :), and I've had chest pain from time to time for most of my life. Believe me, the Heart section of my medical chart is the size of a large phone book. They have finally concluded that I just internalize everthing. I had Angina for many years and the solution was Nitro tablets, later after two different Angio Grams and several other tests, they concluded that I have Esophageal muscle spasims.
So, after picking up e-coli in my bladder, from the trip to Thailand for SRS, Doctors at the VA used a PICC line that went in at my left elbow up the vein and stopped just outside my heart. EEEEWWWWW! It felt so creepy!!!!
So anyhow, since then, I get pain high in my chest once in a while and the doc said to just ignore it.
I hope that everything gets better. :)