Yup, it's another "Sex Swap Sensationalism Sells" Strategy (I'm almost surprised they didn't use Sun-style alliteration) - this time in a local paper.
http://tr.im/QJfd (URL trimmed as it was incredibly long)
Couldn't their journalists find better things to do with their time than submit a Freedom of Information request on the costs of SRS? Apparently not... and to think it's the headline article on the paper version.
It doesn't help when the website "designers" think it's a good idea to slap a poll on whether Coventry smells or not (!) in the middle of the article text...
Unsurprisingly, the three people who've commented on the article so far haven't followed the sensationalist line - two mention obesity as a far bigger issue than 23 TGs, one mentioning botched plastic surgery (the reconstructive kind as opposed to the vanity kind).
At least they got the right person
At least they got the right person to comment on this, Shirley Keel being President of the Beaumont Society. Like the OP, I'm wondering why they bothered at all. Why not kidney swaps, or hip replacements?
I'm amazed, amazed, I tell you! Actually, local papers in Britain usually tend to have a clue, unlike some of the national tabloids.
£10,700 sounds quite reasonable for a chop-and-swap to me. Anyone care to compare?