Here's a nice, cheery blog post (well, sort of...)
Just to prove I'm not afraid of laughing at myself...
A few weeks ago, I attended a weekend social in Bournemouth with about a dozen people from another online community I'm a member of - the Radio 4 PM Blog.
Don't yawn - although the program that spawned it is a news magazine, we're a lively bunch, as evidenced by our terminology: as we respond to each other on the blog, forum-style, we've christened it "The Frog" (portmanteau of Forum and Blog). Hence instead of calling ourselves "Bloggers", we call ourselves "Froggers", and the socials are "FrogFests".
Our unofficial leader describes herself in her email signature as "Writer, speaker, PR consultant, word sculptor" - and that's just her day job! She's also a parish council chair and a folk singer (check out "punktrainspotter" on YouTube for evidence). We also have an EHO, a hotelier (the Bournemouth host), a research scientist, a couple of people in IT, and a yoga teacher in our ranks. Not your stereotypical Radio 4 crowd!
Anyway, to get back to the point, after several glasses of wine, the host loaded Singstar on the console attached to the TV.
Bad idea.
I thought I could sing.
Very bad idea.
I somehow ended up doing what we've now nicknamed "Bohemian Din"
Hint hint. Very, very bad idea.
The host was filming proceedings and streaming them live on Camstreams.
Camstreams has a built in chat - so inevitably there were some "interesting" comments...
Exceedingly bad idea.
After the event finished, the host had the bright idea of putting the video of the karaoke performance on YouTube.
Let's just say I refuse to watch beyond 0:03...
It's probably slightly more tolerable if you've had a few glasses of vino beforehand!
And just in case there's any doubt, I'm on the right of the screen (Fi, our unofficial leader, is on the left). Next to one of the two laptops tuned into Camstreams (which was quite surreal, watching what you'd been doing 2 minutes beforehand!)
Don't watch this!
You are oh so right - it was pain to watch that video. But thanks for my giggles of the day before going outside to haul wood from that pile to the one inside - no giggles doing that.
All worn out from watching those wonderful Olympics!
May the sun always shine on your parade.
Sweety - You are MUCH braver than I
Dear mittfh,
I would take more than several glasses of wine for me to go on you tube. I assume from your blog you were the person with the microphone during most of that? (Several BOTTLES of Auchentoshan MIGHT get me there.)
One thing I HAVE to say - You personify my philosophy of life! "Sane people don't have any fun."
Keep having fun hon.
with love,
with love,
Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.
Truely a test of pain
But a bold one! After the first minute I'd have confessed where the treasure was burried, given you my PIN number.. ANYTHING!
As commented above; sane people are so boring, thanks for the giggles ;-)
It has been suggested....
that I use TWO buckets, to carry a tune. *sighs*
I've done Karaoke a time or two in public... Apparenly, my rendition of "Monster Mash" is actually good. And, Apparently, I can get through "Ring of Fire" (Johny Cash) without too much trouble... But anything more challenging, well... The suggestion probably says it all. So, I tend to relegate my croaking to to the house, where the family's so happy to hear me being happy they don't complain.
You're more than brave - to actually ADMIT to being findable on YouTube...
P.S. You're braver than I thought... Your face shows more than once!
Put it this way...
I've used the nickname "mittfh" for nearly 10 years now, and "mbfh" for about 5 years before that (the B standing for Biologist, as I was studying a biology degree at the time - and there's still some evidence of that around...) So there's probably tons of odd/weird/random stuff scattered all over the 'net that practically any search engine can turn up...
Interestingly, the search engines don't appear to have discovered my ramblings here or at Crystal Hall...yet!
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Ben ,Your'e right
Freddie Mercury can rest in peace, Bohemian Din was a pretty good description, But at least you tried.....Which is more than i would!... But please Ben just promise one thing.... Don't give up your day job!!!
I have no intention of doing so!
Especially as I've since experimented with an open-source cross-platform variation-on-a-theme of Singstar, called "Performous". This karaoke app, as well as showing the notes you're supposed to be singing, also shows what notes you're actually singing, the idea being that you can (theoretically) adjust your pitch and stand a maginally better chance of at least hitting some of the right notes, some of the time!
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
I don't have the words...
At first I thought turning down the volume might help, but that slight hope was quickly dashed.
In the end, I turned tail and ran about 2:34 in. Had I been there, I'd likely have been adding to the disaster. Looks like fun!
...could have done better!
What a hoot! (umm... literally)
Eeeek.... I was there!
Oh, how you have brought it all back, Mittfh!
Imagine, if you will, the true extent of the horror...
a) however loudly I sang, I couldn't drag you back to the tune
b) h.l.I.s., I couldn't drown you out either
c) on leaving the room, as you will see I did once I'd figured out (a) and (b), I STILL could not escape because there was always another computer within earshot, linked to Camstreams ( which was broadcasting you at full volume on a 30 second delay.
I was proud of you for sticking with it though. And I could see in your face, till I abandoned ship anyway, that you were thoroughly enjoying yourself.
What're friends for, eh?
Fifi xx
A bit of a howl
It’s the wolf in you, Ben! My neighbor’s Husky can set up a bit of a howl, too, but she is much more cute when she does it. :P