The current State of play

I've noticed a curious phenomenon recently, and I've only just realised what's going on. Every day, like the sad individual I am, the first thing I do when I log on is to hit 'My Stories'. This way I can find out if anyone's still bothering to read the old stuff, or even leave a comment, or if some other sad person is deluded enough to give my ramblings a vote.

I've noticed that I have a few more hits than I used to, and I guess that this is due to the 'Random 5olos' feature, for which I have nothing but praise. The feature works both ways and I've found authors and stories I might otherwise have overlooked.

Anyhoo, I've noticed that I keep getting hits on the last episode of some of my stories, and only the last, and I wondered why. It's finally occurred to me that there are folks who have the last ep. bookmarked, and check occasionally to see if there's any newer eps appeared since the last check.

So I thought I'd give a run down on what's happening at the moment.

My main emphasis at the moment is on The State does not make mistakes. I had originally conceived of this as three separate story arcs of about six parts each, the second section ended up as seven parts. I started writing a Daughters of Time story but had to give up about halfway as State got so insistent - I've spent weeks just dreaming dialogue all night.

The bad news is that the projected six part third story arc is already at seven parts, and I'm barely just over halfway. Needless to say, once Marion got 'released into the community' her story was bound to get more complicated, I just hadn't realised just how complicated was possible, and how rich a seam of plotlines I had uncovered. Even so, much of what happens to her takes place within the facility, amongst familiar friends and settings. Expect to see this appear weekly or so from about mid-March.

It's possible I may have enough ideas for a fourth book. I think I'll shoot myself now.

Other than that, I still have to finish my Daughters story, probably six parts. There are of course a number of other tales ready to have time devoted to them - which means I'll be old and grey at this rate before I get any time to look at them.

Real Life? Never got to paint the sheds, never did any sewing, managed to upgrade just 2 of my computer collection. Unfortunately I have had dental problems which has effectively sucked all the free cash out of my accounts - black holes, pah! They have nothing on dentists, and it's probably less painful being sucked into a black hole.

Still, we do what we can. I count myself fortunate that for some strange reason I don't get depressed very easily (being a long-time IT person means I'm not a super-optimist, either).

Must get on now, the Muse is waving the chair in my direction, and I know that whip has a nasty sting.


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