I was opening my Email account and noticed another strange inquiry. "Hi Jennifer, still own that Mustang?" I had others but this was the first to ask for Jennifer. I wondered what the heck is this and who's Jennifer? None of my kids are named Jennifer, nor is my wife. I finally put it together. When I was researching insurance costs for Show Me The Money I entered Jennifer Billings and her new Mustang as the person to be insured. Lo and behold, Jennifer is now a real person. I wonder how much farther she will go in the cyber world and if her name will be sold to other companies hoping to make a sale? So far it'd kind of a giggle to watch, Arecee
Watch List
Sometimes when you're dabbling in 'unusual' places to do research, you can wind up getting on lists you really don't want to be on, especially when you get picked by NSA's 'Carnivore.' Oye!
"You may be what you resolve to be."
T.J. Jackson
Safe identity
I have another identity that I use when I go to certain sites because I do not want my being T to be an issue. I do have a life other than the jaded and licencious Gwen Brown. :) Being Muslim, there are certain nut cases who will never get past the T issue and at one time they made life so miserable that I wished that they'd just come and do their Jihad thing on me.
Khadijah Gwen
Watch out...
you don't start getting notes from the IRS asking for back taxes from this lady...