I thought this was interesting News, It also was in his speech the other night, even though he didn't stay with it too long! Richard
Obama urges Congress to extend benefits to same-sex partners; `my hope is we can get it done'
01-28-2010 11:51 AM PST
TAMPA, Fla. (Associated Press) --
President Barack Obama is calling on Congress to pass a law extending benefits to same-sex partners, a day after he renewed his support for repealing the ban on gays and lesbians serving openly in the military.
Obama was responding to a question during a town hall meeting Thursday in Tampa, Fla.. He noted a bill is pending that would extend to domestic partners benefits such as granting Social Security survivor payments and allowing hospital visitation.
Obama said: "My hope is we can get it done."
Obama has acted administratively to extend some benefits to federal employees with same-sex partners. He has called for a repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act, which bars federal recognition of gay unions and the granting of benefits
I Hope So Too But....
I hope so too but he and his cohorts in Congress are already in enough hot water with a lot of voters over the Health Care Bill. There are a block of moderate Democrats from the South that won't go for it because their Conservative constituents would string them up by their toes. I think this whole issue should be approached from the stand point of taxation without representation.If the LGBT community pays the same taxes for services as the straight community, then we should have the same rights to the same services. They require everyone who gets married to buy a marriage license through the Courthouse regardless if they get married in Church or in front of a Justice Of The Peace. The court system is paid for with taxes and fees paid for by all citizens so it should be equal access for all. If the law was enforced from that standpoint, the government would either have to allow everyone to marry(Which would then force the Right wing marriage between man and woman crowd to push to remove the civil requirement out of marriage rather than allow equal access) The government would balk because they would lose out on the fees collected on each license so it would wind up being a stalemate. Something would have to happen if the Supreme Court came down with an Equal Access ruling. I seriously doubt the governments at all levels would like it if all LGBT taxpayers just banded together and refused to pay any more unless they were given the same rights and services as straight couples. They would lose a lot of money! I wonder if politicians would be willing to face losing a lot of votes from our community if they dared to stand against us? We vote and if enough of us refused to vote for candidates that don't stand for us then they might sit up and pay attention. In many places our vote would determine who wins or loses, so if it was close, they couldn't afford to ignore us.
I agree with Jengrl
I agree with Jengrl regarding the taxation issue. It will take a major court case that will have to wind its way up to the US Supreme Court for it to happen; but even then that Court doesn't have to take the case. They pick and choose what they want to hear. The best way is for SEVERAL cases to be filed across the US in various different courts, so they can be finally heard in the District Appeals Court and once one or more cases have a different finding, THEN you wind up with a Constitutional issue that the Supreme Court is supposed to settle. It is too bad that narrow minded, bigoted, self-serving, people have so much control over others lives, that this idea would even have to be considered. Jan