to quote Scrooge (more or less) "I'm as giddy as a school girl and as light as a feather!" well the light as a feather part is still some way away 40+ pounds lost this month, more to follow.
I've found a recommended therapist, and HALLELUJAH!! she takes my insurance!
Thank you all for your help.
nice to hear that well good luck
with hugs from sarav
She was born for all the wrong reasons but grew up for all the right ones.
Possa Dio riccamente vi benedica, tutto il mio amore, Andrea
Love, Andrea Lena
Both on finding a therapist and achieving a seriously impressive weight reduction (40 lb = 2.8 stone).
Given the extent of that reduction, I hope you've settled on a stable healthy diet - falling victim to 'fad' diets or 'yo-yo' dieting (eating healthy until ideal weight is met, then starting on unhealthy habits again...) wouldn't be ideal!
Nor would aiming to reach the semi-mythical "Size Zero" - but I expect you're far too sensible to set such an extreme goal :)
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Thank you and the secret
I've been on nearly every diet fad or otherwise that you can imagine. Now I won't say this is for everyone, but it's pretty simple:
Well not really, but I've found somthing that works for me. I eat oatmeal (The REAL) stuff, Old Fashioned, One minute, or a mix of the two. That gives me a filling meal that with artificial sweetener, (I use Sucralose) comes to a whopping 150 calories. During the day I'll have 2 or 3 diet shakes (anywhere from 200 - 600 calories) for dinner a weight watchers/Healthy choice/Lean Cuisine, etc, at 225-275 calories. Then If I absolutely need something at the end of the day, I'll have a piece of fruit, or more oatmeal (around 150 calories) Daily total between 725 and 1125. I've actually had a couple of days in the 600 calorie range! Supplemented with a daily vitamin and a healthy dose of vitamin D (which seems to activate or improve many vitamins).
Like I said, it works for me, and I've got over 12 different ways to fix the oatmeal, which I think is a major positive thingy. The Oatmeal doesn't get boring. The Shakes are chocolate (Chocolate anyone????), and there are dozens of eventing meals. I also make sure to augment the diet with a piece of fruit at least every other day.
That's how it's working for me. So far no ill effects except feeling a leeeetle bit tired. I've chosen such a drastic step so that I can move from a size 34 to a more reasonable size 16. That means dropping from 415 pounds to about 175 pounds. Then I can re-introduce food into my system in an orderly fashion. I'm on track to reach that by August. As far as putting it back on, I seriously doubt it. I went to McD's one day last week and had cramps for the rest of the day and through the night. BTW I've built into this an ability to "cheat" one day every two weeks, once a week when things are really rough emotionally.
I wouldn't have chosen this particular way, but I was searching for a lap-band surgeon who would honor my insurance. No dice. So it became imperative that I do it my way.
So There! (curtsying as only a 375 pound woman can do... Just wait a couple of months then I show you a REAL curtsy!
With affection,
I hope...
your primary care physician's monitoring you... It's so easy to really knock the bodies mechanisms out of whack.
Also, I hope you're getting exercise - to keep your metabolism turned on... If you restrict your caloric intake (you've not gone crazy it sounds) your body can all but turn off your metabolism (terms bad)... It's how folks survive VERY LONG fasts.
Another trick - make sure you exercise AFTER eating, rather than before. Eating starts the metabolism working, so the exercise is more effective. Exercise tends to try to shut it down a little. The Sumo Wrestlers maximize their weight by exercising when they get up (a few hours) then eating GIGANTIC meals.
And, one trick you're effectively using is spreading your calories throughout the day. This keeps the metabolism working at a higher rate, which maximizes the calorie burning.
Way to go and best wishes to you!
Very nice to hear...
And ten times the weight loss I've got! May all go as you wish.