Camp Kumoni Idea

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Now I'm not saying that I'll be doing it, . . . . but some have put forth the idea of doing another summer of Camp Kumoni. I don't know how this would work with the girls being a bit old and having already done a camp story, but What if they went back to Camp Kumoni as staff? cabin counselors? etc...?

It is still a long ways off even if I can get to it. or come up with enough ideas to sustain it. just throwing it out there.



if you write it, they will

KristineRead's picture

if you write it, they will come....

Or at least I would... lol

(Assuming of course you don't give P&P a bad ending... I couldn't read it if you did that.)



But the BIG Q is ...

Eric or Erica?

Okay, MOST of you see her as Erica forever but you never know. I like Erika but poor Eric was a good kid and deserved better unless AA, you have something up your sleave?

Have fun, AA.

Could be interesting, friendships changed, evolved, broken, reforged, betrayed and so on. Hey the teen years are a time of turmoil.

John in Wauwatosa

John in Wauwatosa

The teen years...

can (or at least could) be years of "hiding" and external peace... *sighs*


Frank's picture

Some altogether new story entirely..



I like this idea ;D

Though maybe just have Erika and her friends be the camp couselors and have another child take the spotlight? I think that'd be kewl mew ;3

I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Bisexual, transsexual, gamer girl, princess, furry that writes horror stories and proud ^^

I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D

more where that came from

Believe it or not, I do have a story rolling around in the back of my mind. I want to finish this segment of Erika's life first though.

Who knows, this summer A.A. will have a whole new cast of characters to write about. ; )


I would love another

Camp Kumoni! Having some of the girls back as counselors would be great. Of course, Erika must come back! Weaving in a new TG character for Erika to take under her wing would be excellent, as well.



If you can...

write it, many will follow it with much anticipation. Your writing style and characters have captured people's imagination. They want to know more and they want to try and guess where you're going.

That said, if you can't find a good reason to write it - some big problem(s) to resolve, that the setting fits then I would prefer that you NOT write it. Camp K and P&P both had major points where Eric/a has grown and learned to be herself. Different problems in each, and they were not small problems. Each has/had many sub-plots where others deal with issues as well. These and the interactions involved helped the story move along.

So, IF you want to write it, and you find the elements you need. THEN, go ahead. But, personally, I'd prefer you not dilute a powerful story by a mediocre one. You've shown you have a gift for telling a story with interesting characters and believable circumstances. I'd rather you put that talent on a completely different story than to water down Camp K/P&P.

As to sequels - If you want to write one - but don't think the Camp setting will "fit" even as counselors jump further into the future. Let Erica go to one or more of her friends weddings and see how things go from there. :-)

Okay, so I'm repeating myself. LOL


I had only hoped for an epilogue

of the girls going back to Kumoni. This is far more than I could have hoped for and I would not doubt follow it avidly as I have since I finally caught on to Camp Kumoni being so good. To my shame it took me 9 months after the start of the series before I started reading it.


What a great idea!!

There is no limit to the story ideas for another camp story, especially if several of the previous campers are now staff. I can see them as cabin counselors, helping their girls to come up with colorful nicknames for their cabin, etc. I can see Erika's charges adopting the name "Misfits", as they are composed of the more introverted, heavy, plain and non-athletic girls, except of course for the twin sisters who are on the pageant circuit and seem to have been put into the cabin by the fates as a sort of penance for their arrogance. Oh wait, it sort of sounds like the residents of Erika's Kumoni sisters, doesn't it?

Of course, there's always the possibility of Erika unknowingly attracting the attention of one of the male counselors at the other camp, and one of her friends getting jealous and threatening to expose her, etc. I assume there would have to be another TG camper for Erika and her friends to help along, perhaps without her knowing it.

But before we get there, we have to get Erika through her operation and the end of her school year. There's a lot that needs to happen yet, including introducing Erika to the rest of her family, and getting to know her "crazy" aunt. John is right too, it's obvious that Mom has slacked off for now hoping that after the operation Eric will return, so that possibility has to be resolved once and for all.

Ani, I just hope you have the energy to start such a huge project. We are such parasites, devouring everything you write. I know it's fun to write, but it does come at a cost to you. So I agree with the others. If you truly feel up to the task of writing another whole segment like this, by all means do it. But please, don't overextend yourself. I would much rather see you continue to write shorter works than to get burned out and quit writing altogether, as so many other writers have done.

Just my two cents worth. I am in awe of such prolific writers as yourself, my muse is so lazy she disappears completely for months at a time. I don't know how you do it. But I do hope you continue! :-)

Carla Ann

A Camp for TG children


Any story you write is well worth reading, so as someone else said, if you write it, I will read it.

I think what happens at camp will depend on if the main protagonist is Erika or perhaps Eric, maybe Eric/a or depending on how far a transition occurs some other combination.

Another solution would be to find a benefactor to start a camp for TG children, where all the kids and counselors are TG in some fashion or other.



I'll definitely read the new

I'll definitely read the new series if it comes out. But with Princess and the plague and the first camp stories I was really kind of feeling it and found myself tearing up in a couple of the really painful places. It's got a lot of stuff in it where you'd only get it if you lived there, having gone through it. I'm not meaning the TG stuff but yeah, the plague bits some of us have had being very familiar.
You're a great writer and seeing the changes in defiance of their old life make me smile to see somebody else get past things.
Thanks for just getting it.

Where do I sign up?

Camp Kumoni was the very first story I read on BCTS, and I love that it keeps going on.

So I say, yeah! Keep on going!

I love the idea of the girls

I love the idea of the girls being camp counselors or cabin counselors, as perhaps another "special girl" will be discovered by Erika. Janice

I love the story

Honestly, I can't get enough.
The Princess saga is my favorite. I have it downloaded to my phone, and I read it whenever I have free time.
I feel connected to the characters.

I like the idea of the camp return.
It might be interesting to have Eric begin transformation, with hormones,...etc...
It also might be interesting to bring in some of his father's family,....perhaps even a revelation that one of those most critical of Eric and his aunt is a closet cross-dresser,....and the effects and changes that side of the family go through.
It might also be nice to see the relationship that develops between Eric and his aunt. I haven't finished reading, you may have already gone there.

During the school year, the academic burdens are so intense that I am not able to read. I try to catch up over the summer.

Thank you AA for these wonderful stories.
