What Ever Happened To HomeComing Princess?

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Arecee was posting a revised version of Princess, then all of a sudden, NOTHING! I, for one truly enjoy both the original, and the new version. Is there a problem? Hope not.


Simple answer

Sephy, who was doing the editing work for Homecoming Princess (and a number of other series that are on unofficial hiatus), is currently absent. Progress on those stories will resume, hopefully, once she is in a position to work again on them.



Successor to the LToC
Formerly known as "momonoimoto"

I have other projects

Thank you for your concern about this rewrite, but I have two other stories that I'm writing at the moment. One is Twisted, which had been put on the back burner and Assassin which is of more interest right now. It's the story of, well I guess the title indicates what it's about. Princess rewrite was being done as a favor and because after reading the original I found it to be not very well written. It had lots of holes in the story which I've tried to make right, but unfortunately rewrites are pretty boring. Assassin though is very exciting for me and I have the first part written and edited, thanks to Holly Hart. I'm well into the second part of the story and could post the first part, but I'd really like to finish the story completely before I do. The reason is that I don't like the pressure of having to post at a regular basis. If you readers want me to post the first part of the story I will, but there might be some time before anymore is posted, it's up to you, Arecee


Since I generally DON'T read multi-part stories until they're completed ('cept for some VERY long things from Welsh authors :)), I am just as happy waiting 'till you're satisfied with the final result. Anyway that's my opinion.



You're intimating the Welsh are long winded?

We'll all be old(er)when that story gets wrapped up, I know that from the constant nail biting when I am not left hanging from a cliff or out of sympathy stuffing myself with fresh bread from the bread machine (thanks a lot!) then either Russinas or Bosnians or someone is about to sneak up though the dear mother in law is bad enough. All this from the sick and twisted mind of a black cat.