Readers of Once The Hero

Hi everyone! I have a question and am looking for advice. At this point in the story, most of what I presented in the 'Bikipedia' exposition has already been covered in the story. I always knew that big whopping piece of information was clumsy but I felt the need to lay down the background so I could get into the meat of the tale.

However no one really complained or made mention of it, so I thought okay maybe it's okay after all. Well someone did make mention of it and now I'm asking does it need changing to improve the story? For that matter is the exposition really necessary? It was suggested that some of the information could be conveyed by Billie as he is explaining to the other kids who and what the Rocketeers were. Simply expand that scene out some.

As the writer I have a hard time judging things sometimes. Darn trees are getting in way of seeing the forest!



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