Here's a little something to brighten up your day...
Spotted on a link to the Daily Wail, what happened when Kiefer Sutherland (star of the hit series "24") lost a sporting bet...
"What's happening here?" Sutherland said: "I lost a bet...Over the weekend, I was so sure New England was going to win that I told a guy who used to be my friend that if New England lost, I would wear a dress on Letterman. So here I am...You should have seen me shopping for this thing today. I walk into a store, and say 'I'm shopping for a big gal, kind of my size, pretty broad in the chest. Do you mind if I try it on?' Then she just said, 'Take it'. I got kind of nervous."
I saw this too
but you beat me to the blog! Hmmm... sounds strangely like a story I've read. LOL
Amazing what some guys will do...
on a bet.
Brian Zembic got breast implants (& made $100,000 on the deal). I've also heard of other bets that are on the same line as the one with Mr. Sutherland.
The line that has me laughing...
is when he's describing it:
"... a guy who used to be my friend..."
Oh sure he lost a bet
Isn't that the weak premise for many dress up stories?
There's no such thing as
Bad Publicity.
Wasn't it Oscar Wilde who said...
...the only thing worse than being talked not being talked about!
She was born for all the wrong reasons but grew up for all the right ones.
Possa Dio riccamente vi benedica, tutto il mio amore, Andrea
Love, Andrea Lena