I posted this in February of 2009. Since then, only one writer has taken up the challenge. In a thoughtful, emotionally charged short piece, Grover wrote exactly what I was looking for. A beautifully written story that embodied my hopes for this universe.
I'm reposting it in the sincere hope that more of you might take up the thread and try your hands at writing in it. PM me here at To Shelf for any additional details you might need in order to flesh out your submissions. I'd like all stories to go through me so that I can keep timelines, characters, etc, in some kind of order. I don't think that's asking too much. Most of the other universes have the same kind of stipulations. I don't want to censor any of your works...Only make certain they fit into what I need, and they are in the right spirit.
What I would like is for you to write your own story...the story of YOUR life, and how YOU would feel, learning of such a place, and how you'd get to it...and why.
Personnel to run the place are really superficial, but will be filled in slowly, much as characters have been added to Bikini Beach, so for the infancy of this universe I am really looking more for first person stories.
Initially there are but three characters. Myself, in the story as Cathilynn, Sarah, a hired cook/do all handyperson, and Jacqui, the character from Grover's story.
I feel very strongly about this universe, and would make it real, given the kind of monetary resources written about in my initial story.
Here is my original post:Well, I don't know if it's because winter is ending...finally, or that my relationship is entering an exciting new phase, or what, but I'm feeling better, and my muse is talking.
I have had, in my mind, a dream, of a place...a haven if you will, where mistreated, abused, whatever T-girls could go to be sheltered, loved, and helped. It's been in my mind for years, and I know I'm not the only one who dreams of such a place.
I've decided that, since I can't set one up in real life, I can at least try to do it in virtual life. So...
I will set the place up. Location, physical descriptions, beginning staff, aims, resources, etc. I'll post it all in the form of a story. What I'd like, what I'd LOVE is for all of you to write your own story to include in this shared universe. The rules will be simple, as befits the creator of this thing...me! LOL
I'd like all stories written for this universe to go through me before being posted, so I can keep the whole thing on track. With all the incredibly talented authors out there, I expect to get some amazing stories for this thing, and I want to try to keep everything canon, so it all fits together like a fine piece of needlework.
I WELCOME input from whoever wants to give it, or whoever wants to help. I'm certain I don't have everything thought out or covered. The tentative title for this place will be:
The Home That Love Built.
So many of us have been beaten down, lost friends, family, jobs, relationships. So many have been physically abused, and so forth. This place would be a haven for those who have seemingly lost everything and need a place to recover and get their lives back on track, in an atmosphere of love and support.
I want to stress that this is not just MY dream. I know it's shared by many, many of us out there, but to do it right, so it smacks of reality, I need and welcome your help.
Post your opinions here as comments, and I will contact whoever, as needed for more details if they are needed.
For me, this is a pretty ambitious undertaking, and I know I'll need the help of every one of you who want to participate, so thank you, in advance. More will follow as I get closer to completing the first story and the details and rules.
Huggles 'n love from,
Catherine Linda Michel
Here is a link to my original story, setting up this universe: Home That Love Built - Set up, first story, and Rules
and a link to Grover's contribution http://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/fiction/12443/sanctuary-heart-...
Use Grover's story as a template of sorts, if you like. I'd like to make this a universe exclusive to Top Shelf...if Erin would agree to that, so each story would have an addition stating that it was a Top Shelf Exclusive/Featured Universe, story.
I don't know if I can make this work, and I KNOW I can't, without help from all of you wonderfully talented authors out there.
Thanks for thinking about it. I hope to hear from you. I know I turned a few people away from the universe, because of my insistence on certain things. I hope I didn't hurt their feelings. It certainly wasn't my intent to hurt or insult anyone. If I did, I humbly apologise here and now.
The Home That Love Built is now in YOUR hands. Let's make it as real as fictional stories can be. I can't do it alone.
Hugs and love, and all my hopes,
Catherine Linda Michel
I am still looking to write in this...
Samirah M. Johnstone
I'd be more than pleased to discuss your idea.
I'm home right now and will be here all day. I'm on skype right now, so if you have that, you can call.
Hugs and love,
Catherine Linda Michel
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.
Shelter From The Storm
Hi Catherine,
It may take a while, three stories, but I'd love for my characters Jackie and Fran Kaiser (The Abbatoir, Our Lady of Sorrows)
to wind up rebuilding their lives in The Home That Love Built, if you'll take them in...
First will comes the story where after things get worse and worse in their little trailer out in sticks
Frannie finally gets fed up, takes her child and leaves the drunken abusive Sam.
Then a story where they move in with Uncle Dean out in California, which will seem like a paradise at first,
since they're both able to live as their true female selves, but they will have to leave there suddenly.
A wise decision on Frannie's part, listening to her instincts, nipping a potential ghastly child abuse
situation in the bud before Dean really does anything, even though they'll be left penniless...
And then after some struggling with homelessness in the final tale (with Frannie wondering whether she is even
fit to be a mom) they'll finally find sanctuary in The Home That Love Built. Or if after reading it you decide
my story arc isn't suitable for your Universe it's okay, I'll make it a battered/homeless women's shelter,
with a big dramatic scene where the women running it have to decide if they'll take in transwomen.
I'll try to make these stories one of my top priorities for 2010, getting my characters from HERE to THERE,
because it is a really neat concept and something I'd love to see not just more stories about
but existing some day in the real world.
~~~hugs, Laika
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
It sounds like an exciting and complicated plotline, Laika
and just the sort of thing I'm looking for!! I'd be honored to include you in the (hopefully) growing list of fine talents, contributing to my little idea. Please submit any story that has to do with the Home to me first, just so I can make sure it fits into what I want the Home to be, but I can see no problems fro what you've said, so far.
Thank you, hon.
Hugs and love,
Catherine Linda Michel
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.
Hiya just to let you know
Hiya just to let you know i've sent my submission to you, titles A little help from my friend. hope you enjoy it, gonna go rest my hands now as there aching, but I just had to get this story out.
Megumi :)
Bailey's Angel
The Godmother :p