I wondering about the mechanics of wearing a long ankle length skirt during the winter? Besides thinking I'm just crazy as its 16 out today with a wind chill of-5. Any ideas or........
TopShelf TG Fiction in the BigCloset!
I wondering about the mechanics of wearing a long ankle length skirt during the winter? Besides thinking I'm just crazy as its 16 out today with a wind chill of-5. Any ideas or........
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Not quite sure what you mean, but if you are asking if it is practical, then yes, or so I was told one time. I had a friend in college who always wore an ankle-length skirt, and I asked one time if it wasn't cold in the winter. She assurred me that the air trapped under the skirt was warmed by her body and she stayed far more comfortable than if she was wearing jeans or slacks.
They know they can survive
Scientific Evidence Supports
I remember, many years ago now, being involved in some research into prevention of infected wounds during operations in hospitals. We were using some fancy photographic stuff to image the air flow around the body of the patient and the surgeon and assisting staff, and were able to show how at the hem of a skirt the air convection currents carried airborn bscteria up outside and AWAY from the person wearing it. There was only a slight convection cutrrent at the hems of trousers, sometimes insufficient to carry airborn bacteria away from the wearer.
So the conclusion, which was counter-intuitive as in those days female as well as male surgeons dressed totally enclosed inside what was called a "Charnley Suit", to protect both parties from cross-infections, was that normsal femle attire was more hygienic.
As for warmth, well, unless the air was warmed it would not rise, would it?
We were still not able to get the boys to dress in skirts though!
Need more info
How long do you plan to be outside? If you have to wait for a bus or something, can you wear leggings underneath and take them off when you get to where you're going?
Hi Thea:
As a Muslimah, my skirts are almost always floor length or close to it. When it is cold and snowy, I often wear leggings and long boots. The skirt just drags lightly over the snow.
I've been out 5 years now and you'd think I would just get over it, but I haven't. If I have to wear pants, I wear something very soft and fuzzy. Part of it may be due to the fact that most pants have a low waist line and are not comfortable for me with the typical NO BUTT figure of a Twoman, so they just rub my mons raw if I pull them up enough to stay. There is no way, nope, ain't happenin' that I will wear men's pants.
Oh, there are probably lots of psychological issues involved too, but so what. Wear what you wish. :)
Long skirts
are warm if you wear enough with them - you'll need tights or long socks or leggings, plus I would recommend a long slip/petticoat and boots. The skirt will need to be thick enough material and preferably lined. Don't forget to lift the front if you go up stairs or on a bus etc. or you'll step on the hem.
PS Only men talk about the mechanics of things, nobody else is interested.
Skirts, um "piloting them". :)
Oh yes, one must lift it to go up stairs, not get it caught under the wheels of their chair, not drag it on the freeway, and most definitely not get it caught on bicycle spokes! :)
They are very nice when standing over ventilation grilles! :)
um welll
Its just that its cold, But this will be going from home to metra to out shopping and maybe dinner if i'm not exhausted. Guess i'll just wear jeans and deal with the chapped legs, tonite
You think only men are interested in the mechanics of things? Rather a sweeping statement. One of the best engineers who worked for me was a young woman (and a very pretty one at that) whilst one of the most mechanically incompetent I ever came across was a male with a first in maths. Neither were unique examples of their gender. Another mechanically adept female is my SO who wields a nifty spanner when its needed and an equally nifty embroidery needle at other times. She's also considerably more able than I when it comes to the manipulation and mechanics of soft and flexible materials. How things work in practice (ie the 'mechanics') is important to all genders.
Generalisations are always wrong ;)
On the original question: I've seen a few women out shopping in long skirts recently in our cold and snowy weather and my first thought was that they appeared to be rather impractical. First the hem tended to sweep the snow, get wet and the dampness wick upwards. Second they obscured the wearer's feet and hence the potentially icy patches on the pavement. It's also difficult to lift them clear on steps if your hands are otherwise engaged. We've both had a few tumbles as it is, even wearing good hiking boots and trousers. Of course as I've only ever tried long skirts indoors, I have no practical experience and my comments are pure conjecture.
Report from chilly Sweden
Here we have about minus 15C today and I had to walk to the place where I eat my Saturday dinner.
Dressed as follow (against the chill) 20 DEn panytyhose and 40 den extra thick panyhose and then a long woolen skirt. I only use pants when climbing in cold mountains, such as the Alps.
On top a wollen long sleved cardigan and a long, almost kneelength polar coat. Gloves and a knitten thing over my head. I kept warm for the 15 minutes walk.
But I had an accident the first winter I used a long skirt. It was the restiction to move my legs as I was used to. I should leave the bus and there was a too high difference from the bus-door to the ground because of some snow out on the street. That made me stumble and I fell right on the ground as I could not put the first leg on ground sufficient far away from the bus. It hurt!
So the temperature is not a problem, but the restiction in moving the legs can be, unless you have trained that in a safe surrounding
Chilly (Brrrr) Greetings from
SHUKR on line sells nice skirts.
If long skirts are your thing, I have gotten lots of mine from Shukronline.com. They sell skirts to women that wear them all the time and they are floor length and give good freedom of movement. You can also find some really nice bargans in Hilal stores. Some of these skirts are extremely elaborate and pretty, and not expensive at all.
thanks will
Thanks will try these as I'm looking for 45" length. But since I chicken out today, now I'm looking for relief of chapped outer thighs or really a lite bit of frostbite by the feel of it.
The reason I don't wear pants
Yes, I get raw inside my thighs. Remember, genetic women have about 2" more pelvis width than us T girls. They can wear thongs in comfort. When I put my female fat on, it also went inside my thighs. Now I have a clearance problem.
For chaffed thighs try
For chaffed thighs try wearing thick wollen tights, and they are very warm to: I wear them in cold weather.
For hundreds of years...
...women wore skirts, and that was during times when there was no central heating.
I can't imagine Queen Victoria putting up with wearing a skirt if her little fanny was getting frozen.
I'd have thought a long skirt would be substantially warmer than wearing trousers.