An Appeal

You're Okay, and Actually, I'm Fairly Okay With Me As Well.

In an attempt to be wry and ironic, I wrote my poem, You're Okay, I'm Not So Sure About Me. I was not feeling bad about myself, at least not for the things said in verse. What I was trying to say in a roundabout way, I will now attempt to say directly. In the past few months, I have read comments that have been left for other authors' works as well as my own. In some of these comments, broad statements have been made about categories and groups to which I belong or feel an affinity to. It's one thing to say one has no belief in any deity, but another thing entirely to say that all those who believe are deluded. It's understandable and acceptable to say, "I don't like men because of what happened to me." It's a completely different thing to say all men need to atone. It's one thing to say "I feel authentically trangender because I have made the choice to transition via surgery. It's another thing completely to say that one who hasn't chosen that route is somehow inauthentic.

I'm not asking for censorship here, but sensitivity. A few folks picked up on the sponsor to my little poem, Broad Brush Painting Company. It becomes tired and hurtful when folks feel compelled to criticize or condemn entire groups of people base on their own feelings or experiences. Not all people of faith are bigots or homophobes. Not all men are insensitive or overbearing.

A statement condemning all men as being whatever negative aspect you might choose is unfair to many authors and readers here. To say that my experience in my journey of discovery about my feminine side is less authentic than someone else's merely because of my gender is unfair as well, and does a disservice to many in this community as well. Opinions vary, as they always will from person to person. That is fair and acceptable, since even with our commonalities, we're all different. To state one's opinion as fact or to speak against an entire group of people can not just be unfair, but untrue as well. With six billion plus people on this planet, a statement that includes the words all men uses that broad brush to paint three billion plus people. To say that all believers are deluded insults nearly the whole population of the earth, and that is unfair.

To bring it to a personal level, I'm not the only man here; I'm not the only person here who believes in God; I'm not the only crossdresser here, and as I alluded to in commentary the other day, I'm not the only former social worker here as well.

One is always entitled to their opinion, but in an inclusive community such as ours especially, no one should consider putting down the beliefs of others. Please keep that in mind when you comment. We should be all about building each other up and edifying them, valuing their uniqueness and individuality. I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels this way, but I won't state that as fact. It's just my opinion. Thanks

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