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The Marcie Donner Stories
This is my own index to all the stories I've posted here.
It's separate from my Author Page so I can control it myself.
[ Editors: Please do not move or change this page. ]
The Marcie Donner Stories
Other Serials/Collections
- Arliss In Wonderland (ongoing)
- Groans From Timbuctoo (ongoing, when I feel like it)
- Short Chapters
- Transgendered Fairy Tales
- When Your Tabula Is Not Rasa
- Wish I'd Stayed In Bed
Short Stories
- Church One and Church Two
- Say Yup To The Drup
- The Spare
- The Superstring Swimsuit
- The Top Of The Tree
- What The Hell People
- Cakeboxer:
- The End Of May:
- You Are The Target:
zadie smith tells a story
zadie smith tells a story about the time she met alan hollingswood, booker prizewinning author of the line of beauty. she asked him for advice on writing, and he told her "finish your work, then stick it in a drawer for five years. come back and read it. then rewrite it."
it's really good advice, but few of us have the patience for that sort of thing. i look forward to the fruits of you re-visiting your story.
not as think as i smart i am
in Bed
I don't have to look it up, I recall it, and look forward to reading your take.