The next part 864 of Bike has been written, I very nearly posted it tonight, but then thought you'll get too fat if I feed you too much.
I must confess that the character of Julie came out of the blue as I started to write, and I had difficulty stopping when I did. However, the plotline seemed so magnetic that I had to write some more - I know, saddo or what? So tomorrow's episode is about twice as long as usual, over 2200 words.
So you'll have to wait until tomorrow evening UK time for the next bit - I think you'll enjoy it, Bonzi is in great form at the moment.
Not a saddo.
Just frustrated that you can't get out on your bike. I know I am. I chicken out in snow and ice these days - must be old age. Anyway your loss is our gain and it's clear Bike (or Bonzi) is writing you rather than t'other way round :)
Or, of course, you could be being bullied by your characters. It happens.
btw nice bike, tiny, tight frame. Definitely no mudguard clearance.
The bike
is my Dolly, and she's a lovely ride. There are mudguards available - Crud road racers which actually fit.
(teaching granny to suck eggs)
Bike 864
Then again Angharad, feel free to change your mind. I think I could handle a further treat if it was forthcoming.
Go Bonzi!
Positive Supporter
Bike Resources
Such a tease, but such nice news (longer episode coming! I do look forward to see how Julie develops. The character has so much potential for both good and bad.
So nice of you to transcribe for Bonzi. :-)
Now, to figure out how to deal with teenagers, again. It'd be so much easier shopping at the same time. LOL
Back to the episode. I guess I'll have to significantly increase the site's hit-count tomorrow afternoon, as I hit the Refresh button, waiting for Bike. :-)
May the Bonzi be with you
... always.
The Bonzi is what gives the Author Her power. Use the Bonzi, Angharad! Use the Bonzi ...
Hah, a catspaw if I ever did see one :)
But as usual, we, the slavish readers benefit. Does this mean that Bike will not die until the Bonzi does ?
In that case, Bonzi, we the cultists of Bast worship you :)
May you live a thousand years!
Happy New Year you two
With much love
864 = 12 x 12 x 6
We're not going to have another episode numbered as excitingly to our resident dodecaphilics until 1,728 (123 or 12 x 12 x 12) - so why shouldn't Angharad celebrate the occasion with an extra long episode? :)
Meanwhile, Julie may have appeared 'out of the blue', but as several have commented in the 863 thread, she could potentially fill the as yet unadvertised vacancy for a TG-friendly home help. Now I wonder if she's seen a certain locally made video on YouTube featuring her saviour? :)
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!