Those readers possessed of a specially sensitive and caring nature may have passed sleepless nights a couple of months ago as they agonised over the problems I was experiencing whilst trying to insert pictures and fancy text into the teaser of "An Eft in Her Bra."
Such exceptional souls may recall that Bobbie offered to compile an idiot's guide for those, such as myself, to whom computers and all associated with them are shrouded in a malignant mist.
And so he did. It didn't immediately help me as my computer resolutely refused to download it. This has belatedly been resolved and I have read it, printed it out, and will continue to benefit from it in the years to come.
This then is in way of a public thank you to Bobbie, an endorsement of 'TopShelf for Dumdums', and recommendation to all who share with me a tendency to burst into tears when confronted by any task more complicated than actually turning the bloody thing on to avail themselves of Bobbie's kind offer to share his secrets.
It may be revealed...
...but I can't see it. Is Bobbie's idiots' guide generally available?
It might profitably be added to the FAQs
Under your account, there's a list of things you can do, including a selection labelled Frequently Asked Questions.
Erin has an entry right at the top telling people how to add images, but it sounds like this could profitably be added as well.
Be aware that when adding images to your image directories, all the pertinent controls may not be immediately visible in some browsers using certain settings. Just resize the pop-up window until the controls at the bottom of the window are visible and all will become clear (if it isn't already).
I (or any site admin or helper) can explain how to do this if the process seems opaque.
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
Just ask ....
.... Bobbie and all will be revealed.
I Second That!
I too took advantage of Bobbie's offer and have been gradually tarting up the banners of my posted stories in the (perhaps vain) hope that more unsuspecting and innocent passers-by may be gulled into believing that the content might be worth reading.
Of course, just about anyone naive enough to have believed that has already had their click, but one can live in hope.
"TopShelf For Dumdums" even caters for absolute computer morons like me. To get it I just PM'd Bobbie and she kindly emailed it to me.
Thankyou, Bobbie. It's marvellous. When hitting the keyboard with my 7-lb sledgehammer wasn't working you saved the day.
Let me also acknowledge earlier help and encouragement in formatting by Puddintane and Sephrena, which led me to take a deep breath and plunge into Bobbie's manual. The people on this site have always been extremely helpful to me and some have even made nice comments about my stories! Amazing!
They're gorgeous, Honeybunny!
Thanks for bringing these newly-added and very sexy (Tony Curtis, he's so dreeeeeamy!)
illustrations to my attention, Joanne. And since one picture is worth 1000 words, I'd say
you've done enough rewriting on them to repost all your stories as brand new creations!
~~~hugs, Laika
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,