Just a comment about the 4 officers killed in Parkland, WA

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Hi all,
I realize this is not really related to Big Closet/Top Shelf stories, but I had to write it out, just to clear my mind of the tragedy.
This is my first attempt at a blog ever, so I will be brief.
As I knew two of the officers very well; I was, to say the least, astonished and am totally in grief about it.
The woman officer and the Sgt were the two I knew, as they used to come to my jail to pick up prisoners we had for them. I wish many condolences to their families and I do know that they are in a much better and peaceful place now.
Heck, they just might be sitting there with Teddi having a cup of coffee, and would find her a great person to know. Along with all this, I hope everyone has a pleasant and wonderful Christmas and to those who don't celebrate this holiday, I hope the one(s) that you do are also pleasant and wonderful. As we are all in this lifeboat, EARTH, together regardless of our backgrounds and where we come from; we should consider everyone either our sister or brother.
Janice Lynn Miller
Retired AF and Retired LEO


I am truly sorry for your loss

Andrea Lena's picture

...I seldom remember the sacrifice these folks make on my behalf and I am truly sorry for that neglect. I am comforted that they may as you say be sitting with Teddi and enjoying a nice conversation and coffee. I weep at you loss, dear friend, as it is mine also, I expect. Thank you for reminding me just how precious we all are, everyone of us. God bless.

She was born for all the wrong reasons but grew up for all the right ones.
Possa Dio riccamente vi benedica, tutto il mio amore, Andrea


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena

Just one more thing, please...

Andrea Lena's picture

Faces of the fallen:
Sgt. Mark Renninger, 39; Officers Ronald Owens, 37; Tina Griswold, 40; Gregory Richards, 42.

She was born for all the wrong reasons but grew up for all the right ones.
Possa Dio riccamente vi benedica, tutto il mio amore, Andrea


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena

Hi Mr.Ram

Yes, I knew they were Lakewood Officers; but the killings took place at a coffee shop located in Parkland. As I am from there, I am most familiar with the region and the location where the killings took place. I used to live approximately 20 blocks from the coffee shop and it was a "hang out" for officers from several departments, when they were off duty or even to meet and pass on information while on duty.
When I used to be a Pierce County Deputy and PC Jail Supervisor; the PCSO had the original contract for providing police services to the then unincorporated Lakewood area and did so even after it became a city in its own right. 5 years ago, Lakewood decided to go it alone with their own Police Department. I left WA state for Kentucky right as this was being developed. If you ever watch OLD "Cops" episodes, occassionaly you will see Lakewood PD officers, but the vehicles in PCSO graphics and the uniforms showing PCSO shoulder flashes.
Tina Griswold originally came from Mason County SO; Ron Owens, whom I knew in passing had come from the WA State Patrol; and Sgt Mark Renniger came from Tukwila PD. It just broke my heart when I heard the news.
I saw him and Tina more often than the other two, when they were in those departments. I worry alot about every officer as he/she go about their daily duties, and especially for my two "surrogate Sons", who are Police Officers now, one in Seattle and one in Tumwater. Jan

sickening & tragic

laika's picture

ugly brutal and senseless. Or whatever kind of sense it made to the gunman, I don't wanna know.
From what I hear he was out to kill some cops, and any cops would do...

My condolences to you, their families, law enforcement peers & community. But at least the guy won't be doing anything like that ever again. He was shot by a patrolman who pulled him over a day or so later, after pulling a gun that he'd taken off of one of the officers he'd murdered in the restaurant. Hate sucks.
~~~hugs, Laika

What borders on pure insanity?
Canada and Mexico.

Too Close to Home

terrynaut's picture

I live about 30 miles north of where the shooting took place, and I was very sad to wake up to the story on KOMO radio. I have friends and relatives who live in and around Lakewood too. I haven't talked to them yet but I'm sure they're not happy about it.

I'd like to think that they could meet up with Teddi somewhere in the great beyond. Thoughts like that help me work through my grief. Perhaps they could meet in the astral waiting room like I describe in my tribute story here. That would very nice.

Comforting virtual hugs to you

- Terry

I know

As a former police officer myself, I feel the loss of every officer personally, especially in such a brutal and senseless way. My heart goes out to the families, friends and coworkers of these four. A LOD death is always tough, ones like this are even tougher.

I need to make time to go to the Officer Down Memorial website and post my condolences. The 'thin blue line' is a little bit thinner, and we are all diminished by the loss.

Karen J. Taylor

"Being a girl is wonderful and to torture someone into that would be like the exact opposite of what it's like. I don’t know how anyone could act that way." College Girl - poetheather

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin

I just finished replying to your message, but now..

Andrea Lena's picture

...thank you for your service in the line of duty. God bless, sis!

She was born for all the wrong reasons but grew up for all the right ones.
Possa Dio riccamente vi benedica, tutto il mio amore, Andrea


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena

There has to be more to this.

This guy did the trigger work and then six other people helped him? I'd never ever think of doin an officer. I did a brief stint doing basically what a county deputy would do when I was in the Army 66-69; mainly dealt with off duty soldiers; never worried about someone shooting at me.

I never did have much use for Hukabee. His goal was to get things all fixed up with the Christian version of the Sharia. Surely someone knew that this guy was dangerous. There hasn't been a president for this since Al Capone's days has there? Of course there was the bank robbery in LA a few years ago with the robbers using heavy weapons and body armor. Has there been anything else like this?

Of course it goes on all the time in Mexico and the Middle East. It was only outside this country that I ever saw police standing on the sidewalks with AK47s. Maybe at least one officer needs to have his weapon laying on the table within easy reach.

There are resturants around here that fill up with police at about 3:00AM for "Lunch". When I was chaperoning College kids at Red Robin, the cops would sometimes join in with our food fights and other antics. Sometimes, they'd make the kids behave too.

After my divorce, I saw a lot of the police for a while. Never got arrested, but did get sent home a few times. One time I had just spent a half hour standing on a bridge rail and had just climbed down and started home when I realized that a cop had been watching me. I stood there for a second, and he shook his finger at me. I scampered home secure in the knowlege that I'd been given a break and a warning. No repeat was ever nessessary.


Re: There has to be more to this

> ... there was the bank robbery in LA a few years ago with the robbers using heavy weapons and body armor.

And a few years after it was over, the powers-that-be in Los Angeles forced out-of-business the gun store that made the emergency loan (gift?) of weapons and ammunition to the police at the time. The excuse was "paperwork irregularities."

It's companion store in Westminster still survives, I believe.

who - thankfully - lives a long ways from there, now.

I am so sorry for your loss.

Zoe Taylor's picture

I am so sorry for your loss. I know that doesn't make the pain any easier, but for what it's worth, I am both sickened and very upset over this whole ordeal.

I wish there were something more I could do or say, but I'll leave it at that for now. *hugs*


May they rest in peace.that's the reason why police while it have its flaws should be respected.Every day they put they lives in danger for our protection.

ps: May that !@#$%^ burn in hell.

At least the Bastard is roasting in hell.


My sympathies to you and the families of the deceased officers. While it is not much, at least the families and society will not have to sit through a long trial and see the killer plead insanity or cry about his terrible upbringing.

Using our common conception of the ultimate punishment, he is roasting in hell, where he truly belongs.



I grieve with thee

I too was shocked and saddened which I heard about the shootings, then furious when I heard about how the shooter was helped, then even further maddened when I found out about his previous crimes! (Has anyone heard the clip of O'Riley absolving Huckaby?)

Some years back I was working at a convenience store attached to the BGSU Police Dept. and the officers regularly came in, and got to know the women and men in brown.

I also whenever I see an officer on patrol, I *always give them a nice wave and a thumbs up in appreciation for what they do. I think this holiday I'll make a couple loaves of banana bread and get some to the city, county and state patrol.

My sympathies, Janice and to all who know and loved those four.

Sgt. Kimberly Munley, F.H.P.D.

The civilian police officer, Sgt. Kimberly Munley, who was severely wounded stopping the Ft. Hood shooter will have to undergo a total knee replacement in January which will likely preclude her continuing as a street officer. The daily stress of carrying all the equipment a patrol officer has to carry would wear out the knee replacement.

"I do want to stay in law enforcement. I'm not going to be able to do what I did before, which is basically work the street," she told Wilmington, N.C., television station WECT on Wednesday. "It's going to give me another avenue to look in as far as possibly teaching and instructing."

Karen J.

"Being a girl is wonderful and to torture someone into that would be like the exact opposite of what it's like. I don’t know how anyone could act that way." College Girl - poetheather

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin