Dodgy science alert

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Ho hum, another group of scientists have "discovered" that humanity is polluting the environment with lots of "gender bending" chemicals (i.e. estrogens or others with similar effects), which are apparently "feminising boys". No big surprise there - this kind of story 'does the rounds' every now and again. The novelty this time appears to be that the research is apparently endorsed by the EU, and it's reported in The Guardian rather than the Daily Wail (whose columnists would no doubt have had a veritable orgy of doomsday prophesying...)

Denmark has unveiled official research showing that two-year-old children are at risk from a bewildering array of gender-bending chemicals in such everyday items as waterproof clothes, rubber boots, bed linen, food, sunscreen lotion, and moisturizing cream. A picture is emerging of ubiquitous chemical contamination driving down sperm counts and feminizing male children all over the developed world. Research at Rotterdam's Erasmus University found that boys whose mothers were exposed to PCBs and dioxins were more likely to play with dolls and tea sets and dress up in female clothes.

The comments below are quite interesting to read (predictably for /. both sensible and silly) - there's even one which examines the reverse effect, that of aromatase inhibitors (chemicals that decrease conversion of testosterone to estrogen - )

(Link courtesy of "KiTA" over at Crystal Hall)
(Minor edit 16/11/09 to replace [quote] with an approximate HTML equivalent. Helps to remember BCTS uses 'proper' HTML rather than a BBCode varient!)

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