- Surgery may allow women to grow breasts
- Successfully done on pigs
- Could revolutionise cosmetic surgery
“The breakthrough could also could also completely revolutionise the cosmetic surgery industry by allowing women to grow bigger natural breasts.”
“If the human trials follow the pigs’ success, the new procedure will result in breasts that look and feel perfectly natural — because they are perfectly natural.”
Papulous Synthesis
Breasts, fingers, hands, rib cages, ovaries ...
This all ties into my idea of the ideal transgender solution.
Identified as T by age 6, castration, implantation of juvinile female reproductive organs, and perhaps something to entice the brain to grow the large connection between brain halves that genetic females have. The result would be an almost perfectly normal female by the time she begins her menses.
Maybe not as far off as we think.
Funny you should say that
In today's New Zealand news, there was a report of some medical research which indeed adds weight to your thought about things not being so far off:
The possibility of severed human limbs regenerating has come a step closer following 25 years of research by a Dunedin scientist which has isolated the cells that allow deer to grow new antlers each year.
Antlers hint at medical leap
Dr Li said it was previously thought the annual antler-growing process was initiated by an embryonic phase, or "dedifferentiation of mature cells", but his discovery confirmed that hitherto unknown stem cells ran the process.
Powerful Stemcells
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I don't remember who I was talking to, but someone recently told me that Doctors grew a rib cage for a child who did not have one. Then on Discovery Channel, it showed research where they grew a pig's heart complete, living and pumping in a tank. Then there is the one about growing a finger tip.
By use of some speculative science fiction, as I said before, it should be relatively easy to grow female reproductive systems in a tank. I don't know if T folk who are identified early need any tampering with their breasts, as mine continue to grown and are between a B and C now. Apparently my body really likes estrogen patches.
One area of research I can see is that it is well known that when a male brain thinks about something a generally single area is active. When a Female brain thinks about something, the whole thing gets into the act. This bit of information, I got from seeing a clip about the use of a modified EEG, with the output sent to a computer screen. So, it showed the mails brain "light up" in a certain issolated pattern, but when the woman did it, hers looked like a christmas tree.
It has all along been my premise that men are bred to think in a very focused manner for the purpose of killing prey. women think differently because they have children to deal with while they are cooking a meal, doing laundry and cleaning house.
The question is, can a T child identified very early be taught to think in the broad manner of a genetic woman? Can it be that the Corpus Colosum (the connector between the brain halves) is larger in a woman because as a child she just thinks that way so the connection gets larger because of higher usage?
The longer I am a woman, the more I learn about how other women act. The question in my mind is the different conduct due to societal presure or is the brain built different in the first place?
Breast regrowth trial planned
From BBC News:
Breast 'regrowth' trial planned
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