Please note that the latest Changes episode contains a plot that may upset some people and I quite understand if you do not wish to read the chapter.
Unfortunately, sometimes things don't always run smoothly and although the story is in the main happy and sweet in nature, like real life, something happens that pushes our comfort zone.
Ever since the first chapter, I knew that a few things would happen that would not be very pleasant and I must admit at a comment I once saw that said, in effect that it was a bit too sugary and nothing much happens in the story and above all everything in the garden was too rosy.
I don't agree with that view, but who am I but a humble author...
I see little problem
Dear Sue:
For those who may read this first, before chapter 51, I will try and not give away anything.
Unless someone was involved personally in either of the two events in the story that could cause concern, I do not feel that the events you use in your plot should be too traumatic for those who read your story. I think if it were a movie, it would get a PG-13 rating. I do not think it would rate an R.
But, that being said, thank you for the warning. I appreciate when authors care about the sensibilities of their readers.
Another fantastic chapter.
Agree with Rami
I didn't see anything to be concerned about, as far as I'm concerned. Just keep writing, is all I ask! ;-)
"Being a girl is wonderful and to torture someone into that would be like the exact opposite of what it's like. I don’t know how anyone could act that way." College Girl - poetheather
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Sufficiently derailed!
I've been known to express the opinion, in general, without commenting on any specific story, that stories that go too smoothly, "transition on rails" stories, can be too boring. (Was there enough commas in that?). Fiction requires conflict.
But "Changes" precisely fits my recipe for *good* TG fiction: Take a TG person, pre-, post- or during transition, and put him/her in an interesting situation, possibly unrelated to the transition. Samantha transitioned, quickly and "on rails" in the first few chapters. While very well written, it was almost like Susan said "let's make this part easy so we can get to the real story". Samantha has since then been in one interesting situation after the other, and, I have to say, with exactly the right amount of TG-related complications given as a percentage of total plot twists (36.22%).
I'd like to add, that I love Susan's prose and storytelling abilities. I would have read the phone book from cover to cover, had she written it.
Of course, I'm not even a humble author since I've never written any fiction. So take anything I say with a grain of salt. But I *do* base this opinion on what I like to *read*.
- Moni
Have some more commas ,,,,,,,,, and a smiley or two to insert where needed: :-) :-)
It's your story, write it as it comes to you.
Besides, massive internets for just doing it your way so it's right, rather than caving in.
No Need to Apologize
I really see no need to apologize to your readers or explain yourself. You are the writer and even thought it is fiction, the best fiction reflects all aspects of real life, the good, the bad and the really bad. We don't live in a prozac nation, yet, so neither should your characters.
Of course, you might want to be careful about taking my advice, given the manner and frequency with which I off my characters.
Be that as it may, do keep up your wonderful story.
Nancy Cole
"You may be what you resolve to be."
T.J. Jackson
What makes fiction appealing to me that it is an expression of the author, not simply a story. I told Nancy that I didn't know where she was going with her story, but I was going to hold on...I agree with her, life doesn't always include what we want to see, and your story is reflecting that, and that sometimes is uncomfortable to read. But it is good to read. I thank you for providing us with great entertainment and excellent writing. Thank you so much, dear heart.

She was born for all the wrong reasons but grew up for all the right ones.
Possa Dio riccamente vi benedica, tutto il mio amore, Andrea
Love, Andrea Lena
Sugar and stuff
Hi Sue,
While some readers might complain about "nothing happening", I don't really agree with that view either. I can't help to compare your "Changes" to the Bike/dormouse story I used to read before. The reason I stopped following that story was partly due to the fact that too much was happening, much of it completely off the scale on realism.
In my opinion, the strength of your story lies in the fact that you keep your audience captivated (ok, maybe not everyone, but at least me) by following the main character going through some not overly wild episodes. The latest one seems to get a bit more out of the ordinary, but so far the story was basically a divorce/transition/meeting new people story.
As long as your story remains reasonable, I'll keep up with it. But once armed terrorists invade the cove or something similar, I'll be out. Somehow, I don't think you're planning events like that.