Out of curiosity, I've done a quick count of the stuff I have posted on various sites. It's quite an indictment of how much time I must have given to playing with words, characters and situations.
Counting episodes as individual items, which are quite variable in length - bonkers, snafu and Gabysodes are longer than bike episodes - but they take me longer to write.
The grand total is 988 of which 848 appear on this site. Of those 11 are complete works or short stories and one is a poem, another is a drabble.
I obviously spend far too much time on the internet.
Counting episodes as individual items, the grand total is 988 of which 848 appear on this site.
Let's see... 800/988 = 81%, or if you count this site alone, 800/848 = 94%
No prizes for guessing what I'm talking about - scary, isn't it?!
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
I for one....
am glad you spend so much time on the internet... As, I'm a direct beneficiary of your larges. :-)
I do hope your counting doesn't lead you to NOT writing more.
Your Efforts and Talent
are greatly appreciated by more readers than you can imangine. I can only believe that you have enjoyed writing the past stories, yes somtimes it is probably stressful, but the quality of your writing and your continued efforts shows me you truly enjoy it. Keep it up because we realy 'enjoy' your work and greatly appreciate your efforts. I look forward to your future stories.
Debra Sue
To much time on the Internet...
That's why we love you so, you write such delightful stories for us.


Too much time on the internet
As you spend so much time on the internet, it gives the many of us reason to be on the internet also. Thank you