I'm hoping more then anything someone on this wonderful site can help me.I was on last night and doing a marathon reading session when one story really hit me.I didnt have a chance to save it and i cant recall the title.Please someone come to my rescue.
The facts i recall are the fact it dealt with two male friends in high school and one character was Don/Dawn who ends up becoming a secret admirer and going to great lengths to boost the friends moral after being dumped and ruined by a girl. Dawn comes to terms with the fact she was meant to be a girl and she has infact fallen in love with her best friend. It might have been a retro classic but dont hold me to that
You're looking for Dear John
You're looking for Dear John by Melanie Ezell (aka Rasufelle). You can find it easily through the Summer Romance Contest link on the Shortcuts. And I agree, it's a wonderful story!
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America
Remembering stories
Next time, remember to hit the "bookmark" link at the bottom of each story you really like to add it to your personal list of bookmarks before you wander off/get distracted/run out of time/get shouted at by your boss. That way you can easily find it in future.