Brave New World

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East City was enjoying a normal day, until several people awoke to find strange humanoid creatures telling them that they were "chosen"...

These People...

There are literally thousands of different people I could thank, but because I have limited space, I can only actually thank a few of them. To that end, I'm going to choose my fellow Brave New World writers, and they are: A_Kent, Orange_Laces, StephAD, Selena, Misaania, and The Wedge.

Where You Can Find...

BigCloset is not the only place you can find Brave New World. In fact, it's merely the newest place. Other places you can find Brave New World include: TG Storytime (where the story debuted), my DeviantArt page, FictionPress, and some side stories can be found exclusively at this Tumblr page.

One more person I'd like to thank is myself for actually going to all this trouble putting these links in here. Thank me! Every one of you!