Shoujo-Ai's blog

Am I A Liar?

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There is a resident "expert" on all things on BC, I won't name him because I doubt I need to. Yesterday he made a statement, the subject line said "Every US soldier has the option not to go", followed by pointing out that under the army's "Don't ask, don't tell" policy, a soldier who said he or she was gay would be discharged from the service. Since most soldiers are not gay, I took that to mean he thought it was alright to lie to get out of military service, and said so.

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Captcha Pain

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I understand that spam is a continuing source of problems for websites, and I applaude your efforts to keep it in check, but this new method is really a pain. I' ve posted two comments and had to fill-in a Capcha box both times. Doesn't this thing have some kind of a prescreening setting, where at least preexisting users get a pass?

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