raychelle_a's blog

Breast feeding

Since my transition many years ago every few months my breasts will produce milk.
I went to my doctor and she informed me that it is normal that it simply happens when my progesterone levels drop.
I have a neighbor who is a good friend who recently had a baby and was adamant that she wasn't going to use formula ever for her children. A couple of months after giving birth she became ill and her doctor advised her to stop breastfeeding immediately for the babys health.

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Searching storie types


Since the demise of the category browser how do you go about searching out specific story categories?
I am finding it difficult to find some of the past stories that i don't remember the specific author or title
In the past you would simply access category browser and choose the subject or any of many categories to search what type of story you want

How in the current bc can you search specific story types without having to scroll down hundreds of titles to pick the few that meet you're criteria? ??

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