Maddy Bell's blog

Special offers on Gaby books!

As the holidays are nearly upon us and you all need some vacation reading matter, for a limited period - up to June 30th 2010 you can purchase selected Gaby books at up to 30% off the usual rates!

Gaby Dress Up book was  £9.99 now  £8.99 save 10%
download was  £3.99 now  £2.99 save 25%
Crossing the Line book was  £10.17 now  £8.99 save 11%
download was  £3.00 now  £2.49 save 17%
Gaby & Friends book was $14.91 now $12.99 save 15%

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New occasional series from Maddy!

I've just posted the first part of a new series here on BC,

Hope you like it, i'm planning on taking it a long way!

It's based loosely on the Yubisaki Milk Tea Manga, if you've read that i'm sure you'll like this!


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New website for German language readers

Guten Tag!

Heute bin ich eine neue Website speziell fá¼r meine deutschen sprechende Leser starten. Es ist ein Work In Progress und bená¶tigen eine Menge SanierungsmaáŸnahmen Arbeit, aber wenn Sie zum wechseln ká¶nnen Sie einen Blick nehmen.

sehen Sie hier fá¼r mehr


and in English!

Today i'm launching a new website especially for my German speaking readers. It's a work in progress and will need a lot of remedial work but if you go to you can take a look.

watch this space for more


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new Gaby forum now live!

Hi there folks

After yesterdays miserable posts here's some better news, a brand new Forum for the discussion of all stuff Gaby and my other scribbles.

So if you have anything to share with other Gabfen pop along to

Hopefully we'll see some return to the bouyant exchanges that took place on the original Maddy Bell forum - was that really seven years ago?

Anyway, enjoy


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Dress Up

Seasonal Felicitations

In case you are a hermit in Siberia - it's Christmas!

As it's that time of year i'm giving everyone a bit of a prezzie, so if you go here you can now read chapter 7.1 of Gaby, Milchreis! I'll be giving out some further gifts over the holiday season so make sure you pop back regularly.

Best wishes to everyone

Froh Weihnacht und Gru០Gut!

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New Gaby book now available

Hi Everyone

I bet most of you thought i'd disapeared! Well the rumours were wrong and the results of my labours, ie Book 7 in the Gaby saga is now finished and available at a book store near you, well your web browser anyhow.

Dress Up runs to @ 300 pages in the usual 40 chapter format and costs just  £9.99 for the paperback and  £3.99 for the download.

Follow this link Gaby Dress Up

More great Gaby news soon!

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