Jennifer Sue's blog

East coast meeting in NJ

I attended the meeting on Sat 11/1. I had a great time and met the most wonderful people. Erin, Piper (Amy and Ninja Baby), Cat, and Becky left me awed by their tech abilities and all they do for BC. I admire them and must confess to a bit of jealousy that they can at least sometimes openly express their inner self. The conversation was vibrant and jovial. No one asked personal questions but we were free to share our interests and background.


February contest question

I read about the contest but didn't have any inspiration. Finally it hit and I think I might have a story. However, I can't find the description of the 'February 2014 Beholden of the Heart Story" to make sure my idea fits. When I click on the 'February 2014 Beholden of the Heart Story' label in a story it takes me to a page listing the entries but not the contest itself. In my computer illiteracy am I missing the link?

I've run into this a few times before on other contests.

Is there anyway you can put up a link to the contest requirements?

Odyssey faith - my faith - a brief explanation

I get a lot of comments about the faith morality of Odyssey. I obviously support Christianity, but I do not believe it is exclusive, the only way to God. It is man who tries to limit access to God, not God.

True Christianity is the Golden Rule. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Everything else is clutter. Faith is belief in God, a one on one relationship. Faith is God reaching out to us. For me Christianity is a good fit. THe problem with Christianity is religion. Religion is MAN making rules to limit God. Religion is the work of Satan to corrupt faith.

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Confusion reigns because of my ineptitude.

I just posted a story and made a couple of errors. I've fixed them now.

I accidentally posted it twice, then realized a table I'd included didn't make the transition and everything in it blended. I did a quick redit.

If tyou were a first reader, sorry.

Hope you enjoy!

Jennifer Sue

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My summer Odyssey so far

It’s been a hectic summer. I had hoped to post sooner but real life has a way of messing up intentions. I took my vacation and loved it... despite the heat rash from hell in the nether regions I managed to get on the first day. (Note to self: dummy!!!! wear shorts on 90+ degree days when you’re going to do a lot of walking!)

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1st vacation in 11 yrs: time to visit the land of Odyssey

This will be my first vacation in 11 years. I spent 10 of those years taking care of my bed-ridden wife and working. No complaints about that, I loved her dearly. Tomorrow, June 17, is the 1st anniversary of her graduation to the next life. I'll be leaving on the 22 for Washington DC for 2 days of taking in the memorials and Smithsonian. I also have a ticket to ride the DC Ducks. Refurbished WWII DUWKs that journey through DC and go for a swim on the Potomac. I'll be getting 1st hand info for Krista's continuing odyssey. On the 24 I'll travel to St. Michaels for 2 days.

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Odyessy II

Just posted the first part of Krista's life. I hope you enjoy this four month snapshot as much as you did the first four.

Several new characters come into play and have pivital roles as tyou will see.

Please enyoy.

Jennifer Sue

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I'm back

It's been a rough few months. My wife of 36 years passed in mid-June after a 9 years of being bed-ridden during which I was her primary caregiver. She had MS with complications and we both knew the outcome. Still, it took a lot out of me. We'd been dating since high school, 41 years ago, and I've never done anything as an adult without taking her into consideration, especially during her illness. While I miss her, she's in a better place waiting for me. She told me she'd be waiting for me but that I should take my time.

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I'm crazy

I've always considered myself to be a bit looney. I've been trying to figure out if my birth date is the cause. I don't really think it did but it does make my personal insanity a bit more palatable. I couldn't have a more appropriate birthday.

April 1st... April fools day! I love it. It gives me an excuse.

My life has been a roller coaster ride. Born in 1951, my dad made combat jumps as part of the 17th airborne in WWII, so short he just made the minimum height. He was rough, tough, and profane and a mechanic.

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The difference in my stories.

My style of writing has changed over the years. My Ladd's Exchange Mall Series is my oldest writting. First put on Fictionmania in 1999. But it took ywo years to write.

My newest story is The Scoobies Do. It's a lot more reflective of my current attitude. Serious and irreverent at the same time.

I hope you like my latest effort.

Thanks for reading!

Jennifer Sue

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Log On/Register issues

For the last few days, when I open my browser to Big Closet, the Log-on/Register option is not on the right side near the top. So far I've had to leave the site and log back on several times over an hour or two before the option appears. Am I the only one having this problem or am I missing something?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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