Hello all,
Sorry about the delays since the last chapter for Jason's Story.
I had an infection that had me pretty wiped out for a bit, then some other real life time crunches, kept me away from writing the next chapter.
This next section was difficult to write even had I been at my best, and it has taken me longer than I would have liked. I will get it posted soon, and I hope to get back into writing at least for a little bit most nights.
Hugs all,
Oh don't apologize
First, be well ( and prosper.. *darn, I can't iconize the silly 'trekkie' hand gesture here* ). No seriously, your health comes first. Always. So we understand.
Hope you're well now, with blue skies and a nice clear view on real life horizons. It took you longer? No worries, we'll be here when you're ready :)
Though it's nice of you to have let us know.