Sharphawlad's Blog

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Thursday 16th of October. I got an E-mail from a member on here requesting me to consider posting on this site. Well I have been a member for over three years and in that time I had not even considered posting. A short while ago I got in a discussion With Maddy Bell. The result was I sent her some of my fan fiction. From this you may realise I like the Gaby series. I also Like the Tucker-Valerie by Ellen Hayes and have quite a few fan-fiction in that series not sent in anywhere yet. Other peoples work I like are the Education by Karen & Penny. Christina Chase. I also like the works of Angharad and I look forward to reading more Snafu. As for SCI-FI Stanman has wrote many I enjoyed Including King of the Rim. There are many author who sadly are no longer with us. They still live on in the works they wrote. So if you know of any not here send them in so your friend or partner can live again through their works.



Seeing More Gaby/Drew Fan-Fiction

Is a treat!! Sharp has created a unique alternate reality that takes the story of Gaby into a totally different direction. Much as P.B. in his trilogy has diverged from Maddy's story. Both authors have penned a story well worth reading in my humble opinion.

I have penned three different series in the Gaby-verse. And I am honored that Maddy has posted my stories on her site. Like Sharp, I am a Gaby fan. I also enjoy several of the stories posted here and all those at Maddy's site. I just wish that the other Gaby authors would post here too.

May Your Light Forever Shine

May Your Light Forever Shine

Secret Garden

I am pleased to see that the first in the series of Daphney's secret garden has been posted here. Although the writer is no longer with us it would be a shame for it to be totally lost. I noticed there was an adverse comment. The story is set in the Uk and so there is various spelling variations to America. I have recently sent more fan fiction to Maddy. It will appear here after first going on her site