On Michael Buerk's programme The Choice this morning Michael talks to Dylan More, who was born a girl but always knew she was a boy inside. The interesting thing is he decided to have a baby before he completed the change to a man.
If you would like to listen go to: http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/console/b00dnhg2
It is repeated on Radio 4 at 2130hrs (9.30pm) tonight on Radio 4.
Maybe it is all about the power.
Since I got thrown into the fast water of activisim, I have heard the comment from FtMs that they wanted the power that a man has in our society. They felt there was no balance and were really angered by not being listened to by men, or not being accnowleged at all.
As an MtF, I am well aware of having given up my power among men. Even when I know what I am talking about and they know that I do, they still don't want to listen, unless I begin to deal with the problem using their language and body language as well.
To me, there is a certain amount of power in being feminine and not having to be dominant, so mostly I just walk away from the fools, secure in the knowlege that I know exactly what I am doing, even if they do not listen to me.
Frequently, at GBLT meetings the idea will surface that other men know they have power and feel hostile toward MtFs who willingly give it up. It is amazing to me now a days just how much Lesbians and Gay men seem to want to help the trans population build a life.
It is actually quite a change from when I first came out. That, or a change in my own perceptions.