If you are one of "them" and word pronoun sensitive, there is going to be a lot of hurt in the world as people describe transgender, transsexuals. Sure everyone would like to be complimented on how pretty, how handsome,how attractive, or they smell nice. People being human are more quickly to criticize than compliment.
On the other hand it isn't fair to judge others by our own ideas and concepts. He or she thinks I'm a freak of nature. They hate me for exposing the lie their prefect little divided world of boy is boy and girl is girl, then that's their problem.
I'm glad there are boys and girls and they don't have any doubt who or what they are. God loves some so much He gives them a double blessing of boy and girl. In a perfect world they would be accepted and loved like everyone else.
Hey! It is a perfect world. Because like everyone else there are always people who hate no matter what. I guess the GLBT crowd is exactly like everyone else after all. Human nature, you gotta love the diversity in all of us..., or not. Your choice.
Picture of front cover
Anger over Tranny and other words
Not authentic
Of course, each person needs to be what they think they are, but to me, a child of an Amish step father, a woman simply does not show herself partially clothed.
And yes, I had my moments dressing like a tart, but that quickly left me feeling really icky about myself. And, in the segment of culture I live in women simply do not expose anything above the knees, and no bare shoulders.
It is not and can not reasonably be about us and how sexy we are. Our value lies in being kind to others, and being as much value to society as we can.
If the comments
on weaselzippers are indicative of most Americans, I don't think I'll be looking to take a trip there this side of hell freezing over.
Appears to be a general put down site. Just doing a quick peek it looks to me like every article on the site has negative spin, and likely encourage bad comments. Just look at the only the only text in that article(I use the term lightly) "Comparing a disorder to Rosa Parks. Good job!" They are begging for negative comments. It is just that sort of website.
Ugh! I wish I hadn't looked....
When I got to the commenter who felt we should be "eliminated" from the population, I truly wished I'd taken something to settle my stomach first.
As for the Time article, however, I have to say this: my, how that magazine's attitude toward us has mellowed over the years. Some ten years ago at the local library, I happened across an article in Time from 1953 referring to Christine Jorgenson. Titled "No She, He...." it acidly reports how Jorgensen supposedly slammed down boilermakers "like a man" at the Stork Club, among other sniping remarks. The whole point of the article, it appears, was to tell us how pathetically lacking in femininity she allegedly was. It's a vivid illustration of how far we've come in the past six decades, just as the Weaselzipper page shows just how far we have still have to go.
Livin' A Ragtime Life,
