The final part of Dancing Queen (Chapter 30) has just been posted - for those who do not like to start reading stories until they are completed. Please feel free to comment on earlier chapters or else at the end of the story.
Over the last four years and four months I have posted seven full-length novels and two short stories (550K words in total) and have been very pleased with the kudoes, comments, corrections and criticisms received. I have written 20K words towards my next novel, but that is not enough to begin posting (as I want to be sure that it will be completed before I start posting). I also have a few ideas for a ninth novel but nothing as yet on paper or disc. There will therefore be a break in my weekly posting, but I hope to be back before too long. In the meanwhile I shall be catching up on some of my own reading.
Regards to all
Thank You
Thank you for your entertaining stories.