finally and after more than 3 years I have reached the milestone I have reached the milestone of 100 Kudos points for a story.(Out of the Ashes, Part 1)
I want to say thank you to each and everyone who has given me some 3574 (at the time of writing) Kudos points.
It makes me very happy to have been able to give at least some people a little bit of pleasure when reading my prose.
Even More
Samantha, you have to remember that the ratio of kudos to reads is more like 30 to 1 or even more, so you have given pleasure to probably 35,000 or more folk. Good on you, I say, good on you.
I guess I'm more mathematician than writer...
Since I hardly have more than 100 kudos in total, BUT, I do know that 30 X 100 = 3,000 ≠ 30,000. (OK, so my kudos total at 289, as of this writing, but that is for 14 stories.)
with love,
Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.
Great Accomplishment
I've been writing for this site for well over a decade, much longer than my profile suggests. I've never come close to 100 Kudos for a story. Your style is excellent and the story is compelling. You deserve a great deal of praise . . . much more than a few who often attract kudos in large numbers.
BTW: since I hardly ever read serials I hadn't read yours until now . . . make that 102 kudos!!!
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Congrats, reads, kudos, and misc thoughts
Feels good, doesn't it? They say that good constructive criticism is the best feedback, but getting hints of appreciation strokes the ego a bit, and we all need to feel that what we're doing is worthwhile. Congrats.
As to the ration of reads to kudos - a lot of my stories average 25 reads / 1 kudo. There are exceptions - longer tales tend to get fewer kudos, possibly because people download them and view off-line, thus making it hard to use the 'kudo' button. (Op Rescue - the New Co-Ed got only 24 kudos, but then again, it was 484 pages and loaded as a pdf file for easy download.)
But yeah, it feels great to get large number of kudos, indicating how people feel about your work. Also, I find PMs from people about the story more touching as to story impact or value than comments in the comment fields.
Congrats. Now, where's the next blockbuster tale? Quit wasting time patting yourself on the back and get cracking :) :) :)
Imagination is more important than knowledge
A. Einstein
I have one too
that is a 100* kudos story, Gabrielle Noel! Most of my stuff gets to the late 40's and stops even if they continue to accumulate reads.
Madeline Anafrid Bell
The reason for this blog post
was that I have more than 5 stories that are seemingly stuck in the nervous 90's.
It is a real shame that your stories get frankly abysmal levels of kudos. To me, your writings are an inspiration and if I recall correctly, it was through reading them on your website that I came to this place.
I know that I must do better with dishing out kudos to stories that I like.
Many thanks for your post.