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Found this. It's worth watching, a young F2M explains it all:
Donna Lamb,
Great video!
Heh, a friend shared this with me earlier today, and I didn't have a chance to put it up. The original is on YouTube here, but, ah, 'ware the comments. The stupid is flowing deep, as usual.
Links to follow
I am posting this since it seems the links for other vids on the page vary.
An interesting on came up for me, it is not at all about being TG but has relevant implication, what it is about society's perception of what it is to be a man. Rather thought provoking in either case.
PS. I have encountered a few who seem to have a penis growing between their shoulders! I am sure we have all met a few of those?
That was a very touching video
And is something that we could all take a lesson from, TG, LGBT, or otherwise.
Honestly, though? There was another video on the same site that got to me even more: this one.
Melanie E.
that was good..
check this out, i think everyone's a victom of this one.
I concur with her!!
Each to their own provided it does no harm to others.