Writing lines

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Have you ever had to write lines as a punishment? Well, I have, its not fun, which is sort of the point - to try and hammer into your head that the thing you did was wrong.

Well, I just performed the adult version of writing lines - I wrote out 20 post-dated checks to pay for the accident I had last year.

The sad part is, no matter how wrist-achingly painful it was to write out 20 checks, the hard part is yet to come - making sure I have enough in my bank for the next 20 months to cover them ...

Ah, well.


Sometimes I think

that dire need can be a good thing. I know as much as I hate having to be disciplined, I find the need tends to be made up by the benefits of knowing I have to be careful. I hope that the next two years work out well for you financially.

Love & Light,
Cassie Ellen

So Much For The Future

Health care should be paid for out of general taxation so it's free at the point of delivery. End of story.

Anyone who wants to argue with that, feel free.
Just to let you know in advance, you're wrong.

I can visualise you writing those cheques, Dorothy, and it makes me want to cry.


The future was just another lie.

Ban nothing. Question everything.

no tears necessary, Nicki

All things considered, I am amazingly blessed. I am able to be myself in public, able to have a job that doesn't care if I transition as long as I get the work done, I have a church that isn't busy telling me I'm in danger of hell, I have the support of my mom, and I have an amazing group of friends to make up "Team Dorothy" ...

See? lots to be grateful for.


You're so right.

My father had what was known in the 1920s as a TB hip. He had the head of his femur sawn off and it was pinned solidly to his pelvis (these days an artificial hip would do the job). He always said he never knew how his family funded it. He was the youngest in the family so I suspect his brothers contributed a lot towards it. It crippled Dad physically and the family financially. He wore a what was effectively a 5" high heeled boot on his right leg for the rest of his life and it wrecked his back.

The NHS wasn't instituted until some years after I was born but I've never known it not to be there. Not perfect by a very long way but so much better than nothing. Private health care didn't help my mother survive an ectopic pregnancy.

Illness should not be the cause of bankruptcy.


Completely Irrelevant

But possibly humorous?

When I read "Writing Lines", the first thing that popped into my head was: "Writing lines is better than doing lines." (In this case doing lines refers to snorting lines of powdered coke or crystal meth. Kim was meth addicted for a few years causing many problems, but she quit and we got back together, all about 16YA.)

No offense intended.

Hugs and Bright Blessings,