Normally I don't blog as I cant type worth a stink(ie very slow, 2 fingers)but after reading that Philbin's little rant about reaction to his news column, I gotta speak out. granted this butt head is a bigot and a pompous ass, I finally got his whole complaint. He just hates liberals, especially when he is shown for what he is, stupid, arrogant, self centered, & just really in love with himself.
That being said, it is true we all have the right to our on opinion, that is what I fought to defend, that right among others in this great land. However there is a caveat with that right, you are asking for it when you trod on others as you spout your great opinion. As my late father always said " opinions are like butt holes, everyone has one & to others they all stink".
So my advice to this wag is only this, if you are going to poke a rattlesnake with a stick, expect to get bitten. If you do ,don't cry to me about it.
It's not the oraters.
It's the opiners.
Always remember... "Although what you have to say disgusts me... I will fight to the death for your right to say it."
Sometimes that is a very hard thing to remember when every fiber of your being is screaming "I want to challenge him to a duel!"
And BTW, that is not hyperbole, I once offered to stand second for my hubby in a duel, in Central Park of all places(It was handy, being right across the street). It took a few minutes for dude to realize we were actually serious about it. I've never actually seen a person turn quite that shade of yellow before or since.
The only answer to a bully is to kick their ass so hard it bounces and if I've ever seen a bully in my life its the teabaggers. Sometimes going all Hank Hill is actually the answer.
Rant terminated
On the other hand...
>> I will fight to the death for your right to say it.
This discounts the legal principle of "fighting words." Some speech is simply so vile, and so contrary to public policy and general sensibility, that the right to "free speech" sometimes ends right at the tip of one's nose. It also ignores the laws of both slander and libel, in which cases the right to speak ends right at the limits of one pocketbook.
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
To be the devil's advocate,
Yes, it was rant. Yes, it was not PC.
But you have to understand that people are fed up with PC BS. When you can't call an AH an AH because said AH will take you to court and will try to get your money claiming that you called them that because they are different from you and not because they are an AH.
And white straight male aged from 25 to 35 is one of the most oppressed minorities in US and many other countries. And couple of guys were able to get nice compensation from Ford several years ago as they were able to prove that they were chosen to be made redundant as they were white, straight and middle aged males. As all of the others others in their department were coloured, or female, or senior, or gay.