About the TV experience

Yesterday I got interviewed on Transition TV on the NotStr8 television station (now available on Roku). I will post the link as soon as I get it. After the show goes live, they edit and then post a cleaner version.

Being interviewed was quite interesting. Part of me wonders if I am playing make believe with some of the stuff that's been happening in my life. I feel I backdoored my way into the interview, but I guess I'm okay with that.

I was really trying to choose my words carefully. I didn't want to come across like I thought that I was better than everyone else. The questions surrounded my writing, my life in transition, and my relationship with Felix. I hope I didn't come across as too robotic.

There was one question about my writing and how I differed. Though I am not a fan of erotica, I didn't denounce it or fantasy literature. I think it's because I constantly evaluate what I'm doing. I realize that it's not the I write differently than anyone else, I just write for two audiences instead of one and that can be tricky. I write for the trans community because I feel we need some awesome stories, but also for mainstream culture. It is hard to be educational and entertaining.

I did give Big Closet a shout out and mentioned Erin. I could talk an hour just about Erin and how great BC is. But I didn't have an hour.

We talked about how my writing has changed. I am growing. I am expanding. My new book is being edited. I have more ideas. The scope and magnitude is increasing (I sound like Vector from despicable me). This has been an interesting journey and maybe I am making an impact, and maybe, just maybe, I haven't even touched the surface of how big an impact I will have.

I'll get that link to you on Sunday. Tomorrow I am part of a youth symposium. Who would have thunk, I am doing the two things I love the most, writing and educating. I hope this continues.

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