The free give away has been a rousing success. I mean, I am floored. I have had over 600 people download God Bless the Child while it was being offered free on Kindle. I want to thank all of you for going along with me on this.
Here are some things I have learned.
1. The transgender community is really supportive of itself. I know I had people here download the story, but also people from various TG facebook pages really got behind me.
2. Amazon separates USA and the UK. So I was actually more successful the whole time, I just didn't know I had to look on the UK version (which has separate reviews and one is totally awesome)
3. My ego can take a 1 star review. A person didn't like the ending. Shrug. That was to be expected actually. The ending is actually designed to be controversial. I rather start a serious discussions about issues than make a buck (probably why I'm not very popular).
4. Amazon really works well.
I do have a favor for people who have downloaded the book. If you can spare a moment and have bought something from Amazon (because Amazon has it's rules) would you mind posting a review and/or liking the page for me. Even if you hated the book and think it deserves another 1 star rating I don't mind. Amazon makes things post using a weird algorithm and reviews and liked pages count for something.
Last thing to share. During this little experiment, I was ranked as high as 6th (that I saw, it might have been higher and the first day when I got the bulk of my downloads I didn't check) in my genre. I think that is awesome.
Here are the links. Oh, there is some major news coming from me later, the only hint: Expect pictures.
Current ranking
Current ranking 11:10A EST on Saturday 12/29:
Congratulations Katie.
Michelle B