What a weird day, year, life

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This day has had an enormous swing of emotions and since my only friends are on this site, I figured I would share them with you.

The day started out Hopeful. I put my Christmas cards out to my daily customers and expect good returns this Christmas. I also put in a little note about my book being available on Amazon and that note made it into most of the papers (give or take 10-15 out of 281).

Then I wound up getting really scared. My probation officer (yes, still dealing with that bullshit) moved my appointment up to today instead of the usual day. When I showed up the place was swarming with Sheriff deputies. If you've followed my life at all, you know that Florida, law enforcement, and me don't exactly go together the way it should and I about had a heart attack. Luckily I wasn't put in the pokey.

After meeting with my probation officer I had to drive to my counseling appointment.

That is where I became ecstatic I was his one millionth appointment and won free sexual reassignment surgery. Oh wait, I'm not writing a story here. SORRY!! What really happened was that a complete stranger came up to me and said "Excuse me ma'am, do you know where so and so street is." So maybe I can pass and that's always a boost.

I immediately became depressed (Good thing I was seeing my counselor) because as soon as I spoke to tell her I didn't know the street, she apologized for calling me ma'am and said the long hair confused her. I didn't know how to respond. Should I have said "No, you had it right the first time." But I didn't. It was a stranger and the damage was already done.

I had my counseling session and I want to go into what we discussed but not in this blog (Client/Patient privileged or something might apply.) Actually it is somewhat serious and I need time to reflect before posting.

So all this emotion in an 8 hour morning. Now I feel hungry and am going to eat lunch and since I also feel sleepy, I'll go to bed afterward (though I have a theory that I eat in my sleep and that's why the weight is staying on.

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