We got suspended for a week!

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We got suspended for a week tonight cos it got a bit wild. The club suspended us for a week so we cannot go back until next Saturday, mind you none of us will be out until next Saturday anyway. I have definitely become that girl my carers warned me against!!

After a rather sober and respectable start to the evening, things took off a bit when we got to the club and met up with the other girls then it all went over the top.

Firstly we gathered collectively for the required 'all-the-usual-suspects' piccie.

Pulse 3  The night is young!.jpg

Then it got a bit crazy as you do when growing old disgracefully. This was a publicity shot for the club's official facebook page.

Pulse Nov 3 The gang of four..jpg

Then we started getting down and dirty.

Pulse Nov 3  More legs..jpg

Things started to get a bit wild (as they do!)

Pulse Nov 3.  Baby due any time soon..JPG

Next minute the only law in the club that cannot be broken is the law of gravity. The table toppled over. OOPS!! P.S. That's my bra in the handbag!!!

Pulse Nov 3rd.   Oops, there goes the dignity_0.jpg

Giggles all round after checking that nobody was hurt.

Pulse Nov 3  Oh shit!.jpg

It's a fine life if you don't weaken.

Growing old disgracefully!!!


Ur grounded young lady.

Well, I like to play, but not that wild! When I go out clubbing with you, we must be a bit more sedate, OK?


who needs dignity there is always more clubs try a fetish one next. we have fetish camping in the states.

Jenna From FL
TopShelf BigCloset
It is a long road ahead but I will finally become who I should be.


You are supposed to set an example. I am so embarrassed. You have gone to far. At your age you should know better. How could you show your face at that establishment ever again. When a lady puts her bra in her purse always snap the clasp. Looks like a fun time had by all wish I had seen it in person. I take it you regularly close the place down. Tipsy smiles, Jenn.

I wear this crown of thorns
Upon my liar's chair
Full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair

Gasp!!! All of that just

Gasp!!! All of that just whilst drinking weak ale? Such a pity!! Such a low alchahol tolerance. Why there is not even a head on that ale by the purse in the photo!! LOL


That's not beer!

That's not beer. Apart from Matti, in the pink body and with the superb leeeeeegs, we're all good little girls and we don't drink. If I'm right that's either a very weak shandy or a soft drink. We haven't got any bad habits cos none of us smoke either. Anyway, fun is best remembered sober.



Shocked and concerned smiley face!

You go girl!

Don't let someone else talk you out of your dreams. How can we have dreams come true, if we have no dreams?

Katrina Gayle "Stormy" Storm

Well that's it then...

If I ever manage to get over your way I'm definitely going partying with you even if I just watch!

Looks like fun!




Ragtime Rachel's picture

...I'm assuming it must have been one of those "you had to be there" moments??

Livin' A Ragtime Life,


Pie Tart

Surely Bev they're not askin you to put a lid on it! n turn your tart into a pie? you gotta fight for your right to party xxx

I was lying down minding my own business when life came by and drove right over me

Growing old disgracefully

Growing old disgracefully does have it's drawbacks, it seems. At least you girls had fun! But did your mummies ground you? LOL! :)

May Your Light Forever Shine